When power becomes gracious and descends into the visible — such descent I call beauty. And there is nobody from whom I want beauty as much as from you who are powerful: let your kindness be your final self-conquest.The world is in our hands the world is in our hands, ourhands our hands, a new president -elect, Donald J. Trump Sworn in ,so best respect, please, be mature, if you are american wake up! Direct your focus to my lingo, which is real news, by the way, because ths day today we chose =whom that which we made as a people, I mite add, who we chose as a people, for the sake of the the emboniment of the whole, Or in other words, for the sake of taking into account the self perservatory characteristics that he (Donald Trump) hold , of the whole. In other words to bluntly be bold with this, but I guess you can consider this rant, an epilogue of a rap boom, which certainly is opposite of doom,
So Thank goodness this guy trump ain't bought on the black market because talks real well like a verbal hypnotist speech written prompter reader, like his predecessor, dumb bama. Whom, must I let you in on a Barack Obama's skeleton's in his closet, Just to fill you in, in fact Barack Obama, has 2 other names or identities if you must know. For, until he presently changed his name a 3rd time, from barry soetoro to then Harrison J. Burnel. to now presently Barack H. Obama, he has a boat load of crimes to add to that, but lets forget about the black market jokester of the past 8 years , forward move over, the black magician, spag, faggot, man is out the door! Thank GOD... SO the Lord Chants.. trump trump trump, this former elect, now serving as our president, for the service of the issues that burn down deep of the USA's back, For so it be known, this Man Donald J, Trump is serving for the betterment of the people, all the people, when I say that I mean he stands to make guys like you and me and all our lives better! Seriously!,
Consider me, Vanilla SPilla, reporting real news, not fake news , like a junkie Ted turner CNN funky run joke of a brain wash station. So people park your train , that's an order, and consider this orientation, my friends, class is in session.
Consider this as an introduction. Let me give you an overview of the expectations to which that we may have , pending you put your faith in Trump. What, let's be real, but with thiss installment of Commander and Chief, this is the most Divine Self Made non lobbied President Elect to be sworn in of all time,!
During the upmost enfolding stressors weighing in balance of time and space, indicators proving to show that America had no future. America Had fallen off the map with 8 years of bait and switch gimicks and socialist tidbits, I mean let's be honest, where do I begin. You know it's like our county's people had become zombie infected to say the least, wouldn't you agree? You see, Moral corruption facilitates the whole process of bringing down nations. The financial element (pressure from above) paralyzes things and the revolutionary left (pressure from below) deals the death blow.
With the the lack of liquidity situation in the market place, things were looking foggy, thank god the Federal Reserve was there to bail us out with quantitative easing, thank goodness for them, we would have been in a huge great Depression otherwise.
Now because of the last 8 years, Now the Federal Reserve finds itself faced with a scenario that is very similar to what the Weimar Republic was facing nearly 100 years ago. Like the Weimar Republic, the U.S. economy is also struggling and like the Weimar Republic, the U.S. government is absolutely drowning IN DEBT. Unfortunately, the Federal Reserve has decided to adopt the same solution that the Weimar Republic chose. The Federal Reserve is recklessly printing money out of thin air, and in the short-term some positive things have come out of it. But quantitative easing worked for the Weimar Republic for a little while too. At first, more money caused economic activity to increase and unemployment was low. But all of that money printing destroyed faith in German currency and in the German financial system and ultimately Germany experienced an economic meltdown that the world is still talking about today. This is the path that the Federal Reserve is taking America down, but most Americans have absolutely no idea what is happening.
Quantitative Easing Worked For The Weimar Republic For A Little While Too Quantitative Easing Worked For The Weimar Republic For A Little While Too
There is a reason why every fiat currency in the history of the world has eventually failed. At some point, those issuing fiat currencies always find themselves giving in to the temptation to wildly print more MONEY
. Sometimes, the motivation for doing this is good. When an economy is really struggling, those that have been entrusted with the management of that economy can easily fall for the lie that things would be better if people just had "more money". Today, the Federal Reserve finds itself faced with a scenario that is very similar to what the Weimar Republic was facing nearly 100 years ago. Like the Weimar Republic, the U.S. economy is also struggling and like the Weimar Republic, the U.S. government is absolutely drowningIN DEBT
. Unfortunately, the Federal Reserve has decided to adopt the same solution that the Weimar Republic chose. The Federal Reserve is recklessly printing money out of thin air, and in the short-term some positive things have come out of it. But quantitative easing worked for the Weimar Republic for a little while too. At first, more money caused economic activity to increase and unemployment was low. But all of that money printing destroyed faith in German currency and in the German financial system and ultimately Germany experienced an economic meltdown that the world is still talking about today. This is the path that the Federal Reserve is taking America down, but most Americans have absolutely no idea what is happening.

It is really easy to start printing money, but it is incredibly hard to stop. Like any addict, the Fed is promising that they can quit at any time, but this month they refused to even start tapering their money printing a little bit. The behavior of the Fed is so shameful that even CNBC is comparing it to aDRUG ADDICT

The danger with addictions is they tend to becomeINCREASINGLYSo why won't the Fed cut back on the reckless money printing?compulsive. That might be one moral of this week's events.
A few days ago, expectations were sky-high that the Federal Reserve was about to reduce its current $85 billion monthly bond purchases. But then the Fed blinked, partly because it is worried that markets have already over-reacted to the mere thought of a policy shift.
Faced with a choice of curbing the addiction or providing more hits of the QE drug, in other words, it chose the latter.
Well, as Peter Schiff recently noted, Fed officials seem to be convinced that any "tapering" could result in the bursting of the massive financial bubbles that they have created...
The Fed understands, as the market seems not to, that the current "recovery" could not survive without continuation of massive monetary stimulus. Mainstream economists have mistaken the symptoms of the Fed's monetary expansion, most notably rising stock andREAL ESTATE PRICESAs I have written about previously, the Federal Reserve is usually very careful not to do anything which will hurt the short-term interests of the financial markets and the big banks., as signs of real and sustainable growth. But the current asset price bubbles have nothing to do with the real economy. To the contrary, they are setting up for a painful correction that will likely be worse than the one we experienced five years ago.
But at this point the Fed is caught in a trap. If it continues to pump, the financial bubbles that it has created will get even worse. If it stops, those bubbles will burst. But as Doug Kass noted recently, it is inevitable that these financial bubbles will burst at some point one way or another...
"Getting in was easy. Getting out—not so much. The Fed is trapped and can't end tapering or else the bond andSTOCK MARKETSIn essence, we can have disaster now or disaster later.will blow up. The longer this continues the bigger the inevitable burst."
But most Americans don't care much about what is happening on Wall Street. They just want economic conditions to get better for them and for those around them. And to this day, the mainstream media continues to sell quantitative easing to the American people as an "economic stimulus" program by the Federal Reserve.
So has quantitative easing actually been good for the U.S. economy?
Not really.
For example, while the Fed has been recklessly printing money out of thin air, household incomes have actually been going down for five years in a row...
What about employment?
Don't more Americans have jobs now?
Actually, that is not the case at all. Posted below is a chart that shows how the percentage of working age Americans withA JOB

So where is the "employment recovery"?
Can you point it out to me? Because I have been staring at this chart for a long time and I still can't find it.
So if quantitative easing has not been good for average Americans, who has it been good for?
The wealthy, of course.
Just check out what billionaireHEDGE FUND

"This is fantastic for every richPERSONSadly, Druckenmiller is exactly correct.," he said Thursday, a day after the Fed's stunning decision to delay tightening its monetaryPOLICY
. "This is the biggest redistribution of wealth from the middle class and the poor to the rich ever."
"Who owns assets—the rich, the billionaires. You think Warren Buffett hates this stuff? You think I hate this stuff? I had a very good day yesterday."
Druckenmiller, whose net worth is estimated at more than $2 billion, said that the implication of the Fed's policy is that the rich will spend their wealth and create jobs—essentiallyBETTINGon "trickle-down economics."
"I mean, maybe this trickle-down monetary policy that gives money to billionaires and hopefully we go spend it is going to work," he said. "But it hasn't worked for five years."
Since the end of the last recession, the Dow has been on an unprecedented tear...
Of course theseSTOCK PRICES

Sadly, what very few people seem to understand is that what the Fed is doing is going to absolutely destroy confidence in our currency and in our financial system in the long-term. Yeah, many investors have been raking in huge gobs of cash right now, but in the long run this is going to be bad for everybody.
We have now entered a money printing spiral from which there is no easy exit. According to Graham Summers, the Fed has "crossed the Rubicon" and we are now "in the End Game"...
If tapering even $10-15 billion per month from $85 billion month QEPROGRAMSMost Americans don't really understand what quantitative easing is, and most don't really try to understand it because "quantitative easing" sounds very complicated.would damage the economy, then we’re all up youKNOW
what creek without a paddle.
Put it this way… here we are, five years after 2008, and the Fed is stating point blank that the economy would absolutely collapse if it spent any less than $85 billion per month. ThisADMISSIONhas proven just how long ago we crossed the Rubicon. We’re already in the End Game. Period.
But it really isn't that complicated.
The Federal Reserve is creating gigantic mountains of money out of thin air every month, and the Fed is using all of that newly created money to buyGOVERNMENT DEBT

The same day that the Federal Reserve's Federal Open Market Committee announced last week that the Fed would continue to buy $40 billion in mortgage-backed securities (MBS) and $45 billion in U.S. Treasury securities per month, the Fed also released its latest weekly accounting sheet indicating that it had already accumulated more Treasuries and MBS than the total value of the publicly held U.S. GOVERNMENT DEBTTo say that this is a desperate move by the Fed would be a massive understatement. We have never seen anything like this before in U.S. history.amassed by all U.S. presidents from George Washington though Bill Clinton.
And look at what all of this wild money printing has done to our money supply...
In many ways, the chart above is reminiscent of what the Weimar Republic did during the early years of their hyperinflationary spiral...
Just like the Weimar Republic, our money supply is beginning to grow at an exponential pace.
So far, complete and total disaster has not struck, so most people think that everything must be okay.
But it is not.
In a previous article, I included an outstanding illustration from Simon Black that I think would be extremely helpful here as well…
Let’s say you’re at a party in a small apartment that’s about 500 square feet in size. Then suddenly, at 11pm, a pipe bursts, STARTINGAre you starting to get the picture?a trickle into the living room.
Aside from the petty annoyance, would you feel like you were in danger? Probably not. This is a linearPROBLEM– the rate at which the water is leaking is more or less constant, so the guests can keep partying through the night without worry.
But let’s assume that it’s an exponential leak.
At first, there’s just one drop of water. But each minute, the rate doubles. So by 11:01pm, there’s 2 drops. By 11:02, 4 drops. And so forth.
By 11:27pm, there’s only six inches of standing water. Yet by 11:31pm, just four minutes later, the entireROOMis under nearly 8 feet of water. And the party’s over.
For nearly half an hour, it all seemed safe andMANAGEABLE. People had all the time in the world to leave, right up until the bitter end.11:27, 11:28, 11:29. Then it all went from benign to deadly in a matter of minutes.
What the Federal Reserve is doing is systematically destroying the U.S. dollar, and the rest of the world is starting to take notice.
Why should they continue to lend us trillions of dollars at super low INTEREST RATES

It is simply not rational for other nations to continue to lend us money at less than 3 percent a year when the real rate of inflation is somewhere around 8 to 10 percentand reckless money printing by the Fed threatens to greatly accelerate the devaluation of our currency.
When QE first started, the added demand for U.S. government debt by the Federal Reserve helped drive long-termINTEREST RATES

But in the long-term, the only rational response by all other buyers of U.S. government debt will be to demand a much higher rate of return because of the rapid devaluation of U.S. currency.
So QE drives down long-term interest rates in the short-term, but in the long-term the only rational direction for long-term interest rates to go is much, much higher and in recent months we have already started to see this.
The only way that the Fed can stop this is by increasing the amount of quantitative easing.
Right now, the Fed is buying roughly half a trillion dollars worth of U.S. Treasuries a year, but the U.S. government issues close to a trillion dollars of new debt and must roll over about 3 trillion dollars of existing debt each year.
If the Federal Reserve eventually decides to buy all ofTHE DEBT

If the Federal Reserve stops buying debt completely, the financial bubbles that they have created will burst and we will rapidly be facing a financial crisis even worse than what we experienced back in 2008.
But almost whatever the Fed does at this point, the rest of the world will probably continue to start to move away from the U.S. dollar as the de facto reserve currency of the planet. This move is just beginning, but it is going to have MAJOR

Most of the debate about quantitative easing has focused on the impact that it will have on the U.S. economy in the short-term.
That is a huge mistake.
Of much greatest importance is what quantitative easing means for the long-term.
The rest of the world is losing confidence in the U.S. dollar and in U.S. debt because of the reckless money printing that the Fed has been doing.
But we desperately need the rest of the world to use "the petrodollar" and to lend us the money that we need to pay our bills.
As the rest of the planet starts to reject the U.S. dollar and starts to demand a much higher rate of return to lend us money, the U.S. economy is going to experience a tremendous amount of pain.
It is hard to put into words how foolish the Federal Reserve has been. The Fed is systematically destroying what was once the strongest financial system in the world, and in the end we are all going to pay the price.
Anyhow back to my main point, As you Know, with Obama in office, this past 8 years, it has been incredibly tough to deal with life on life's terms,
THE BARRY/HARRISON J. BURN ELL SHIT LIST" 1. Barack , YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND THE FULL ANALYSIS OF THE ICE CORE SAMPLES FROM ANTARCTICA...you are a fucking idiot,I MEAN SERIOUSLY I THINK SLOW OR STUPID, BUT YEA , EITHER THAT OR YOUR JUST A MIND CONTROLLED SLAVE LIKE ALL THESE IDIOTS, YOU KNOW BARACK I REALLY THOUGHT YOU WERE AN INTELLIGENT GUY, BUT STRAIGHT UP SIR, YOU REALLY ARE JUST LACKING IN THE INTELLIGENCE area I WAS EXPECTING , I FEEL BAD WHEN I GET MAD AT YOU BECAUSE I KNOW YOUR JUST SOMEONE WHO HAS JELLO FOR A BRAIN AND ALL YOU ARE IS JUST AN ENTERTAINMENT SCHMUCK LIKE ALLL OF MAINSTREAM MICROWAVE BEAM CONTROLLED SLAVES HAHA.. GO BACK TO SCHOOL IDIOT! HOW OLD ARE YOU 28? His erroneous claims of global warming tops the list, let barack know we are not moving off coal, rather we are moving more on to coal and natural gas i.e., lng to strengthen our electrical grid, make him understand what our scientists from Antarctica have equated from the analysis of the archaeology evidence of the ice core samples we drilled into-- the ice core samples show that as the earth warms the fluctuation of Co2 follows ,and there is an 800 year lag in the observable data that we currently falsely believe is present. You must understand all this Co2 data we can observe now is the result of what happened on earth 8oo years ago!! Just hand Barack Obama a rattle and put the baby in his crib. Tell him to stop crying.
2. The Death-Care Maedoff PONZI Scheme This Accounting Fraud in Obama-Care is an erroneous, infallible, gimmick. It raids a half trillion dollars out of medicare, not to short medicare solvency, but to spend on this new government program , according to the chief Actuary of medicade he is saying as much of 20 percent medicares providers will either go out of business or we will have top stop seeing medeicare beneficiaries
3. And for goodness sakes this 38percent tax on corporations is a jobs killer. Now if you ever wondered why all the jobs have been out sourced to foreign nations, I want you to know, the world is not against you, it hasn't been your fault .. Read Below and I'll tell you why jobs have been outsourced.,.,,The reasons for why it may be that our call centers are now being outsourced to india, for example. And why, manufacturing has been deepthroated down to mexico, for the sake of sanity, this has all been happening because it's been the only way for corporate profits to remain out of the negative, thus it's more important stocks still go up, so Actuary's and CPAs have had to juggle being hang tied by crony Obama policies coming out of the White house, and while at the same time shuffle the books so future earning meet expectations . Our companies have had to marginalize out almost all jobs the past 8 years to remain profitable! Point blank. I apologize for you being jumped out the work force, and for you who had been forced on food stamps with your hands in the air, feeling non worthy! I am sorry, it;'s not ur fault With the sake of their being only low paying part time temp work available due to crony regulations/higher taxes/ and stringent mandates from Obamacare, small business and corporations have had to cut jobs across the board, top down, bottom up, turning to automation and the HB1 visa program to avoid going out of business. You must understand with Obama's intense chokehold drowning the business world in fines/fees/ and regulations to comply with, companies have had little flexibility to invest in expanding, but rather they have just been forced to barely keep their head above water.
Crushed was the old feeling, of being too old, or too young, or not good enough. And taking into account Going to the drawing board, and analyzing the data , our nation's GDP figures have been lower and lower. quarter after quarter. I mean my goodness, Obama's first quarter in office, our nation blew a net loss of negative 0.8 percent. Now that's alarming, because when you take into account , since WW2, every president has at least posted a GDP Growth of 2 percent each quarter. So with Obama posting a GDP figure of negative 0.8 percent, his first 4 months in office, it's like our nation came to a standstill! Shocks have been felt from all sides of the spectrum, With retail stores closing / from jc penny to sears on the verge of bankruptcy and radioshack (just to name a few) / and the war on coal among other things, you must realize this rictor shocks have everlasting effects on each and every one of us, no matter who you are, think of it this way, let me explain. Economies are so complex. Take the steel industry at Port Talbot .The headline figure of job losses if the steel works close is 4000, but those 4000 primary incomes go to support a host of local business
A story with no internal consistency is like a crossword with no solution.
Complexity adds depth
* The "small farming planet" is a cliche in SF, and it's bogus: how many biomes does Earth support? How many industries?
* Evolved ecosystems are complex. You never have just one species of herbivore and one of carnivore ... unless something has come along and radically pruned the ecosystem by killing off everything that was there before. Like a grouse moor.
And all things consider, it only gets worse, now here's more bad news, FOR THE FIRST TIME in american history, Congress is spending more money than they have tax revenue coming in the door, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. To be specific they are spending an extra 138 billion projected, and we all know future forecast projections are always skewed. Thats a bad sign the begining of slippery slope, to which, we hoped for a turnaround, but as far as the policies being en-throttled like a noose, in a way that boggles the all the minds of my time but for the saving grace America's fine tune constitutional geo-engneering fell into place.Trump is a miracle cradled as a stopgap to in sure reset, and jumpstart our fallen economy, This is a momentous correction to say the least. Think about it when corruption was at its peak, the American subconscious fine tuning, finally kicked into gear, We said as a people, we have had enough of the DEEP STATE! SO therefore, We as a people allowed us, the people, to choose this former president elect now serving as President , We can expect him to continue to pass legislation that is competent to therefore jump start reset GDP positive figures , every quarter, like pop lock and drop, like every president since WW2 and , our GDP grew by 3.8%, which is in essence the unmanipulated number, so for the sake of sanity we have had a legit GDP growth at at least 2 percent , until OBAMA was DROPPED OUT THE GATES OF SOROS's INSANE PLOT back pocket 8 year trippo, like a fucking hippo, soros really try profit the destruction our CURRENCY, i mean he is mastermind broke the sterling pund 92,he was real cockey and thought he could break the unbreakable USD,, Until That is , Donald Trump , Trump Trump Trump , carries no baggage / its like i'm serving you fresh cabbage , and the beauty of it all he is not lobbied like a chess piece,, he sees the world for what it is, black and white not grey, and not flat either ,neither for that which if you think it is, that's only because your stupidity has labeled you as an idiot , and to be frank, someone like you, who thinks like that, you would be a good candidate to go sign up for Al gores nonsensical global warming fraud scam/extremist cult, or george soros's black lives don't matter cabal! If you must know, for all that 1billion dollar Soros lost with this election betting on the devaluation of our dollar bill on forex, back Hiliary with the intention to sink the economy ever more lower. The odds were stack against us, but with this winning ballot carrying the name Trump, turtle island has a future! Now you have to ask yourself, perhaps this is a new leaf putting any end to crony capitalism. One thing is for sure, with 100 days of Donald Trump in office I sure begin to smell competence /business savvy attitude and compliance to the constitution. For it had gotten so bad with Obama, we thought we had lost our country's foundation and morals.. But for once we can rest easy, it's sure nice knowing that we now no longer have a boss force feeding us central banking, egregious, in debtor policies to a puppets mouth, with the intent to force our country in to further debt scenarios all with an underly motive, becuz it props the pockets of the few , before what became a miracle, before Donald trump took it upon himself to grab the bull by the horns, like we say on wall street, Trump sure show us class with his hard-work ethic mortician like steam, something I ain't never seen in anybody , this characteristic, sure is the module for success!