Tuesday, November 28, 2017

This Proof That Obama LIED To America For 8 Years Just Leaked – Liberals Tried To Spin The Numbers AGAIN!

iberals love touting Obama is the greatest President of all time, and boast how everything he did was for America, and how amazing he is, blah blah blah. We all know their agenda, and you’re undoubtedly as sick of hearing about it as we are.
That’s why it makes us extremely happy when yet another glaring mark appears on Obama’s record. Yes, he LIED to America, and the secret’s out.
A bold claim, and a complete lie.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, before Obama’s disastrous presidency began in 2009, there were 12.561 million manufacturing jobs in the US.
As of November 2016, that number had fallen to 12.26 million jobs.
Which, as indicated by the laws of first-grade arithmetic, would imply that more than 300,000 assembling discounted were lost amid his administration.
The inquiry at that point turns out to be: How on earth did Josh “Not really” Earnest thought of such a ludicrous number?
Indeed, he did what the Left dependably does, by winding and twisting things to fit the story.
His strategy was unfortunately unscrupulous, as he just glanced back at Obama’s 8 years in office and found the point where producing jobs were at their lowest, which was in 2010 at 11.453 million.
That is where he began counting jobs “created” by Obama after the president’s garbage policies had effectively shaved off 1.1 million jobs.
Yet another reason that liberals can’t be trusted – what ISN’T a spin to them? Everything needs to be amped up, moved around, and “fit” just right for the story to fit their narrative. Turns out, even Obama is just another fraud.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Russia's economy(two trillion dollars) is just 1/8th the size of America's(17 trillion), and 1/16th that of the West (USA and EU combined).. Russia is so poor and America so rich that it will be totally SHAMEFUL If we let Russia launch a punishing nuclear attack against us, with Russia then ESCAPING our retaliatory strike !!! Russia destroys us, but we don't get to destroy Russia !! (By definition, nuclear war is supposed to be M.A.D., "M U T U A L A S S U R E D D E S T R U C T I O N.")

Russia's economy(two trillion dollars)
is just 1/8th the size of America's(17 trillion),
and 1/16th that of the West (USA and EU combined)..                         
Russia is so poor and America so rich that it will be totally SHAMEFUL                 
If we let Russia launch a punishing nuclear attack against us,                         
with Russia then ESCAPING our retaliatory strike !!!                     
Russia destroys us, but we don't get to destroy Russia !!                   
(By definition, nuclear war is supposed to be M.A.D.,                   
"M U T U A L    A S S U R E D    D E S T R U C T I O N.")                       
How can it be possible that dirt-poor Russia will beat RICH America?                         
How can Russian interceptor missiles (ABMs) shoot down                         
all our retaliatory missile warheads?                         
Answer: It's because we have drastically REDUCED the number                         
of our submarine-launched ballistic missile warheads.                         
By our reducing our retaliatory arsenal down to where the warheads we have                   
are equal in number to the number that Russia could shoot down,                     
we have made it easy for Russia to shoot down our retaliation.                         
In short, we have been unwilling to spend the money needed                         
to produce an adequate retaliatory arsenal.                         
The reason Russia will bomb America with impunity is this:                         
we have let Russia trick us into signing disarmament agreements.                         
that have left us nuclearly naked, stark naked nuclear-wise.                         
With all the money we,the USA and the EU, have                         
(a 32 trillion dollar economy versus Russia's 2 trillion dollar economy),                       
we should have built a retaliatory arsenal capable of                         
destroying every inch of Russia,                 
Striking total fear into Russia,                 
Thus deterring Russian Attack.                 
Actually we DID have a robust retaliatory arsenal                         
but then Russia ended the Cold War.                       
That's when we started cutting back and we've steadily cut                         
more and more over the last 27 years.                   
Yes, not only will nuclear war be super-destructive,                   
It will be so SHAMEFUL that Russia with a pigmy-size economy                   
WHIPS America, the number one economy in the whole world.                   
How embarrassing !!!             
PS: I think Nostradamus wrote of a "27 year war"   
concerning "Mabus," an anagram for Sadam.   
If you turn the "b" around, making it a "d," it works.             
In turn Sadam may be a figure for Gorbachev.             
For he has waged 27 years of a false peace, psychological war           
designed to get our pants down, nuclear arsenal-wise.             
I mean the Kremlin has been trying to get our arsenal down around our ankles         
like a teenage boy trying to get a girl's panties down.             
Next comes the rising missiles similar in shape   
to what gets "whipped out" for the purpose of penetrating,   
and thrusting, thrusting, thrusting and conquering.     
If Nostradamus is talking about Gorbachev veiled as Sadam,       
Then even he,the Catholic seer, knew, way back in the 1600s,     
when, just when, Gorbachev would press the nuclear button,       
Namely, "27 years" after ending the Cold War beginning in 1989 (1989-1991).       
Namely 2016 !!!

Thursday, November 2, 2017

THe khazarian mafia live high on the hog, these are the fake jews from persia , located now in modern day russia. MAn is below woman

Russia and Persia had repeatedly instructed Khazarian leadership that Khazaria as a nation and people had to change from its evil, inhuman ways and stop parasitizing its neighbors, or suffer complete destruction.

Khazarians were known by those living in bordering countries to generally be liars, deceivers, cons, robbers, road warriors, rapists, pedophiles, murderers, identity thieves and social parasites of the worst variety. And to make matters worse, their ruler King Bulan did nothing to reverse this because he too was like them.

When Khazaria was finally destroyed in about 1250 AD by Russia and Persia, it had been literally terrorizing, robbing, murdering and parasitizing neighbors and travelers for over 500 years.

These endemic Khazarian criminal behaviors were institutionally supported by their leaders and by the Khazarian culture.

There was no rule of law in Khazaria, only the rule of manipulation, sociopathy, might, violence and evil.

Khazarians had repeatedly preyed on travelers at their borders or anyone who tried to travel through Khazaria. Traveling in or near or through Khazaria was usually a fatal mistake. Women were often raped and then murdered afterwards or, if young enough, taken as sex slaves.

Khazaria was known by other surrounding nations as a lawless, evil nation that allowed the worst crimes against neighbors and travelers imaginable. Khazaria was known as the epitome of selfishness and evil, from the King all the way down to the average citizen.