61% of your core value energy comes from Knowledge and Power.
Charles, the CVI assessment found you are a BANKER-BUILDER.
What does this mean? This means your primary core value is Banker – A Banker’s core value energy is Knowledge. Knowledge is knowing the facts through research, measurement, proof and records. You are driven to understand the "what", "how" and "why" of things. Your secondary core value is Builder –A Builder’s core value energy is Power. Power is personal energy invested to make a positive difference. You consistently take action to get results.
You have been sent an email with a link to this report. Come back often – the information provided below is continually updated with exciting new insights. Lastly, Share the CVI with others. We encourage you to gift others with this unique, life changing assessment. How would your life be better if you truly understood how you and those around you naturally participate in this world?
What does this mean? This means your primary core value is Banker – A Banker’s core value energy is Knowledge. Knowledge is knowing the facts through research, measurement, proof and records. You are driven to understand the "what", "how" and "why" of things. Your secondary core value is Builder –A Builder’s core value energy is Power. Power is personal energy invested to make a positive difference. You consistently take action to get results.
You have been sent an email with a link to this report. Come back often – the information provided below is continually updated with exciting new insights. Lastly, Share the CVI with others. We encourage you to gift others with this unique, life changing assessment. How would your life be better if you truly understood how you and those around you naturally participate in this world?

Your scores indicate you have BANKER/BUILDER tendencies. When you enter a room there is more knowledge and power energy suddenly in that room. You are the presence of powerfulknowledge. This is your assignment, to be the effective presence of powerful knowledge. You look at the circumstances and situations around you through the eyes of justice and faith. You operate from reason and cognitive thinking, know the facts and work to conserve resources. This is balanced by your pure intuitive capacity to see what needs to be done, without need for more thought, to take an action and create a positive result. Your highest and best contribution can only be made in situations in which there is a significant and constant need for powerfulknowledge.Who you are at the deepest innate level of your human nature is the most important element in your life. Who you are at this deep level, is, after all, the only thing you really contribute to this world. It is through right assignment and effective choices that you make your highest and best contribution. This is the universal mission of all people.
The more you learn about who you really are, and how to optimize your presence in this world, the greater will be your success, happiness and life effectiveness.
Your dominant BANKER value energy is balanced by your BUILDER secondary value energy. Your actions are routinely, almost equally, guided by these two core energies. In times of distress you will usually rely on the conflict strategies of your dominant core energy. In less critical conflicts you may use either conflict strategy given the situation.
Your unique dominant BANKER core energy causes you to rely upon the following strategies for success and fulfillment.
Your cornerstone core value is knowledge, supported by your strong desire to create justice in the world.You like to follow a prescribed course, especially when you are involved with setting the course. Having the right information is important to you. You do what you say you will do. Facts and data are the foundation of your conclusions. Building protection against possible risk comes naturally. You work diligently to gather resources together and save them. You like steady, solid situations with limited change.
Life is easier when people and things are reasonably similar. The reliability of your words and actions is critical to your sense of self-respect. Chaos is your enemy. People and situations should measure up to commitments. When things get messy, you may get testy. Once started, you don't give up easily. Knowing the past provides evidence for the future.
Creation without effective written plans and process description is senseless. You believe in measurement and in the presentation of measurement and data as an effective leadership tool. Having all of the information is important to you, even the small things. Social structure and appropriate mannerisms are good for the soul. It is important to reduce possible risks by questioning decisions and plans. Zero wasted motion, zero wasted resources, zero wasted effort; this is what you strive for. Your knowledge is generally available to others.
You like to be the one who knows; being right and being able to prove it is important to you. You believe people should obey the law and stay within social convention.
Your unique secondary BUILDER core energy supports your dominant BANKER core energy.
Your second cornerstone core value is power, the application of pure energy for good. This primary driver is supported by a strong faith in your own ability to know what to do, your faith that your actions are for the good, and your faith that once you create change, and you will know what to do next.You are practical and willing to face the truth. You like to own those things that are important to you. It is important for you to be self-sufficient, without boundaries. You are strongly self-motivated. Giving directives comes naturally to you. You like to work with things that are real and tangible. Your deep desire is to exert personal energy to make a positive difference.
You value straight talk and frank discussion. Things go best for you when you have responsibility for results. Starting new projects and ventures makes you happy. You like to set things in motion. You only work on things or projects that have real value. You want the things you do to make a tangible difference. You like to put things and people to work.
Knowing the cost and the gain for all actions is important to you. You like to work and you admire others who work. You are not afraid to bring things to an end; when you're done, you're done. People work harder and more things happen when you set the pace. You like speaking clearly, telling the truth and asking for what you want. There are few situations in which you feel inadequate. You use your power, physical and personal, to get what you want.
People around you know that you are emotionally based and capable of arousing emotions in others.
BANKERS-Your Dominant Core Energy
The power of bankers is in their clear rational processes. They are organized to the nth degree. Data is at their fingertips, and they don't miss details.Bankers are insatiable information gatherers. They are like magnets dragged through sand, collecting all the valuable shards of fact.The power of a banker as a business leader comes from the banker's intolerance of waste and distaste for unnecessary risk. Once a banker is placed into a high-risk situation where resources are limited, his drive to get back into a secure position may cause the banker to rely more heavily on the merchants,innovators or builders around him. This drive to create something solid and resistant to outside pressures makes a successful banker's company recession-proof, highly resilient, and seldom under-capitalized.
Bankers who are acting out of their strengths are invaluable. Without banker core energy in any sales department, production shop, or marketing office, the number of repetitive mistakes buries the business. Opportunities are lost, orders are misplaced and forgotten, and shipment schedules are considered a nuisance. Bankers are unwilling to be part of an operation that doesn't fulfill its commitments. They will do almost anything to make things right.
Once gathered, the information is ordered, assimilated and re-produced in a manner that leaves nothing out. Because all details are critical to bankers, they are not good at setting priorities, and instead, become sources of information for others that wish to explore their library-like minds.
Bankers are committed to assuring that whatever is done is done successfully. They are adamant about not launching the ship before its sea-worthiness has been tested. Whenever I ride in an airplane, I am thankful for the banker minds in the FAA. When I take pills to help recover from an illness, I appreciate the banker minds in the FDA.
It is those same banker minds in the FAA and FDA that so frustrate businesses that want to launch their products.
Without banker influence in any situation, actions are taken without sufficient thought, and directions are changed without considering long-term ramifications or bottom-line consequences. New innovations are often put into play without regard to service problems, system failures and customer satisfaction.
Bankers, more than any of the other core energies, tend to find themselves standing alone, unwaveringly holding their position in order to effect their most important purposes -- to conserve resources, ensure longevity, and stabilize the business or society they are in. The analytical power of a banker far exceeds that of any of the other core energies.
When serious problems arise, a banker becomes an essential resource. He has collected information by sheer will and desire and is able to deliver this information in a clear and balanced form. A banker will take the solutions presented by an innovator and formulate the solution down to the task level, understanding the interrelationship of all elements.
The final answers that come from a banker are solid. They are a long time coming, but when they do arrive, they are above reproach.
Banker Challenges
Bankers frustrate builders. The results-oriented decisiveness of a builder is the opposite of a banker's mentality. Bankers also frustrate merchants, but more typically merchants frustrate them. The constant stirring up of opportunity, the typical lack of value of merchants on completion of projects, and the lack of concern for details keeps bankers constantly feeling under informed and off balance. This generally leaves bankers feeling dismayed and frustrated.Bankers get along quite well with innovators since innovators have a high level of regard and need for the information which bankers have. Since information and solutions fit together nicely, bankers serve innovators well by providing much needed analysis and amassed information that keeps the innovator on track. This, in turn, leaves the innovator feeling confident of the solutions being implemented.
Bankers have the hardest time as entrepreneurs. This is because they are most effective in an environment that needs management of complex, effective systems, and that requires balance and information. In the early stages of company development, until a company reaches $5 to $10 million in annual sales, bankers tend to overuse their organizational and managerial skills. What are otherwise considered their strengths can, in fact, also become their weaknesses.
A banker who has strong merchant characteristics, strong innovator, or builder traits can succeed admirably as a leader in a new enterprise. They must be willing, however, to keep their own dominant banker trait in check until there is truly a need for it in the business.
Since are like builders in their inattention to team building, they often try to manage their companies or their departments far too long. They are detail-oriented people, concerned with knowing where everything is and if it is in its proper place and functioning to its full capability. Preservation of an excellent status quo is more important to them than creation. The role of an entrepreneur is to create something out of nothing. For the most part, this is a complete antithesis of a banker's natural inclination.
Bankers, just like any other core energy, must have strong partners or employees who provide the creative energy, the sales, the team building, and the drive to get results. Their difficulty lies in admitting it. Bankers are prone to build an empire of supporters who, like themselves, gather, analyze and report information. They are generally appropriate and considerate bosses, but this is significantly different than the team building activities of a merchant.
Bankers' strengths lie in knowing that all of the information is accurate and available at their fingertips whenever needed. A banker is reluctant to make a decision except by omission or delay. Bankers are good at saying "no", which is a trait many people do not possess. It is important, however, that they do not put situations at risk to avoid their general discomfort with moving forward when the situation calls for it. This is usually understood by the other core energies and is considered one of their strengths. When a banker gets pressed, pushed to the wall, forced to make a decision or act against his analytical conclusions, he may simply disengage. Bankers who feel unduly pressured may judge others as being wrong and withdraw their trust. They may withhold information to regain control. They may also use that information to undermine others when the opportunity arises. This would be considered a weakness within this core energy.
Because they dislike conflict, bankers will occasionally make promises they do not intend to keep. They may simply say a flat, unqualified "no" to everything, hoping that this simple act will be powerful enough to cause others to draw back and surrender. When bankers feel out of control, they may become aloof, untouchable, unreasonable, intractable, non-responsive, unavailable, busy, etc., due to what they perceive as an inordinate amount of unjustified pressure.
Bankers generally outlast builders, merchants, and innovators in a fight because they refuse to invest any energy in the battle until everyone else is exhausted. Their staying power, often considered strength, may also be a weakness when used at an inappropriate time.
Bankers have extraordinary staying power. Their compulsion to be right or to be seen as being right does not allow them to easily admit failure. They keep trying, keep doing, and keep analyzing until often, by perseverance alone, they succeed where others would have failed long before.
Banker/builders are generally knowledgeable, appropriate, and commanding people. Businesses or enterprise groups that require high levels of detail, have a high volume of transactions or have their basis in technical knowledge must have banker/builders in leadership. The banker's commitment to thoroughknowledge, to being right, and to follow-through and detail is invaluable in these situations. The ability to take appropriate action and make decisions in the midst of massive data and volumes of statistics and regulations draws on the strengths of the builder.Banker/builders present themselves as masters in their field, as they often are. They tend to be well educated, speak from knowledge, and make demands of others that fit both the person and the situation.
Banker/builders are self-assured and motivated toward excellence, both in practical results and in legal and moral appropriateness. They tend to set a course and hold to it, and they do whatever is required to make certain they are able to succeed.
Banker/builders take risks that are well considered and backed by sound reason and fact. These people run well organized beta test sites for new products or take firm leadership in professional service companies such as CPA firms, attorney partnerships and mutual funds.
When a banker/builder completes a task, it has usually been completed on time, under budget, and with excellent attention to quality. Banker/buildersbuild efficient, practical, durable, and financially solvent operations. To their company's great fortune, they are not willing to do less.
On the other hand, others can perceive banker/builders as very controlling. They sometimes have a great deal of trouble building a team around them. What the builder in them is not able to make happen can be immediately explained by the statistics and information generated by the banker side of the core energy. These people are "never wrong" in their opinion, and do not place high value in the merchant's relational skills nor do they appreciate the innovator'sdreamer oriented ideas. The builder makes quick decisions, then back-pedals based upon a new understanding of information, usually derived from bankerdriven computer files reviewed at home while other people are sleeping. Thankfully, the builder/banker has such a thorough work ethic that this goal for unerring excellence is often what leads him to do more research, while others are unaware of the time he may be spending to prove or disprove his own decisions.
Banker/builders are so certain they are right, they seldom bother to gain consensus for their actions or check to see whether anyone else is enjoying the business process. These people burn the energies of others either through stubborn refusal to make a decision or forceful commands. They are known for making a decision one day and remaking it the next, each time with a forceful command for unquestioning obedience from the team. While they may be confident and even correct in their assertions, their lack of communication is often what overshadows their decisions.
Banker/builders can be so self-assured and so unwilling to be wrong that they tend to over-power others around them. These people are more likely to find a way to "run" the business from second and third level positions than any other core energy.
When a banker/builder is right in his conclusions, he is a powerful steady force that creates firm and unwavering forward motion. When wrong, thebanker/builder can be seen as a belligerent, unmovable force willing to make every challenge to his perfection or authority a battle.
And, since he seldom doubts his own conclusions, it is impossible for merchants and innovators to know when to go to battle with the banker/builder. He is certain of his knowledge and comfortable with his compulsion to act.
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