Right Market New Media Insight NMED is a leading innovator in perhaps the hottest sector in the entire market. Respected technology analyst firm, Gartner, had this to say about the worldwide Mobile-Payments industry: “We are forecasting a market worth $617 billion with 448 million users by 2016.” | |
Right Innovation New Media Insight NMED – with its brand new mCard – has the game-changing Mobile-Payments technology that could single-handedly replace the credit card. Yes, we’re talking about every credit card on the face of the earth! Imagine the value-growth potential here…especially at this early stage! | |
Right Timing Bottom line: the virtual credit card is putting the plastic credit card out of business…and it’s happening now, TODAY! I see New Media Insight NMED as the Big-Winner in this arena with their mCard and their soon-to-be-launched NFC Mobile-Payments App.3 Best of all, YOU are getting in early near the $1 per share level with nearly limitless blue-sky potential! |
This industry is absolutely immense,
the exponential growth has just begun!
the exponential growth has just begun!
and the Smart-Money is on NMED Up to $1.50 per share!
The Size of This Market Makes the Opportunity
1,000%+ Gains could be Just The Beginning!
I see New Media Insight NMED as a rare investment opportunity – and one that could be truly life-changing.
Right now, New Media is undiscovered by Wall Street. Its shares are trading at an advantageous, albeit temporary, Buy-Window around $1.00 per share.
How big is this pie? The Mobile-Payments sector is projected to reach $617 Billion with 448 Million global users by 2016. That’s more than double the $248.7 Billion projected for total U.S. online sales in 2014! 8
If New Media Insight is able to capture even a tiny slice of this pie with its revolutionary mCard solution, we could realistically see NMED shares – currently around $1 – run to $5, $10, and even $25+ per share in no-time flat!
And let’s not forget about the $Billion Buy-Out Mania that’s currently taking place in the tech sector. Facebook recently paid $19 BILLION for Instant Messaging platform WhatsApp! Microsoft purchased Skype for $8.5 Billion. Apple bought Siri for an undisclosed sum with the strongest rumors being that the company paid more than $200 Million for the technology. And the list goes on and on and on.
I have no doubt that we’re going to see that same type of full-scale bidding war for control of the top companies within the Mobile Payments sector. Share-prices will be flying as multiple-$Billions are thrown at these leading innovators.
That’s why you need to be jumping on the NMED opportunity immediately.
Seeking Alpha had this to say about New Media Insight NMED: “If the company attains its goal of 10,000 new merchant accounts by April 2015, shareholders could receive multibagger returns.” | Seeking Alpha went on to say in their May 8, 2014 article: “Assuming New Media Insight Group can maintain 1% of the credit card fee market, the company’s annual revenue could hit $900 million by 2017.” | |
In my full New Media Insight
NMED report, I’ll show you:
NMED report, I’ll show you:
PROVEN PROFIT-POINT: I’ve always placed a great deal of emphasis on “being early” on an emerging trend. That’s how the Big-Gains are regularly seized in the stock market.
Being early also brings with it the opportunity to own the right stock at the lowest possible price point. That’s the opportunity before you today in New Media Insight.
I see New Media Insight NMED – currently below $1.50 per share – as the best way to profit from the Mobile Payments mega-trend. We’ve identified this trend early – we’ve found a top innovator in New Media Insight – and we now have this collective moment in time to own NMED shares at true entry-level prices.
CLICK BELOW for instant access to my full report on New Media Insight NMED. The best part is…YOU are among the FIRST to hear about this undiscovered stock gem – which means you’ll also be First-to-Profit when Wall Street catches up to what I’m telling you today!
Sincerely Yours,

Andrew Carpenter, Executive Editor
Wall Street Revelator
Andrew Carpenter, Executive Editor
Wall Street Revelator
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