Saturday, February 27, 2016

As we maintain our view of rising U.S. rates and hence lower gold prices with a three-month target of $1,100 an ounce and 12-month target of $1,000 an ounce, we are recommending shorting gold.

My friends who are gold bugs need to wake up and realize the overvaluations of this commodity which, quite frankly has no idustrial value. Gold is in huge supply, with like no demand. Besides using gold for our rockets and our new telescopes , which will enable us, to un shade the dark areas in space, there's nothing else gold has industrial use for. You see gold and silver are found underground mother earth In deep crevaces with streams of water. Now considering gold and silver basically grow naturally together in these crevaces the botton line the silver from these crevaces has already been mined. There is not much mineable silver left on mother earth to meet demand. You see, we actually need silver for our technology and so the funny thing is when you understand the cost versus profit margin, the startup costs alone far exceed any type of benefit. There already is an overwhelming amount of gold miners that are on the verge of bankruptcy. Miners are missing interest payments on the colaterlized loans they took out in the first place, what we see Is when you examine the spot gold price, you'll start to see trends where the spot gold price will fall below 1200 dollars an ounce, you'll see It fall to 1150 and then what happens is, you see indsiders whom have an interest in these minging companies step in and prop up this gold price back to 1200 an ounce. 1200 is the tetering figure, at tuat price miners can barely pay their debts but it enables them to avoid filing bankruptcy. So in the long term my price target for an ounce of gold is somewhere in the $700 to $500 dollar mark Oover the next 5 to 7 years. The best advice I can give you is if you have an gold bullion in your safe, or gold jewlery I suggest you sell now for a profit. You know you can always make money betting on the downside, remember my friends the old gold standard back in it's hayday in the 18th century, the old standard lasted a total of only 65 months and their were 3 great recessions during that time period. People need to understand that the private sector is completely transparet, so what that means is you can always learn how to discern economic ebs and flows. Our best banks like Morgan Stanley, J.P. Morgan, Citi bank, Merrill Lynch and Raymond James, and of course Goldman Sax, have the accurate data and realize this, our Bankd and Bankers are not the enemy, you can jump on a site like where these banks have their analysts publically annoince their stock picks, abd so forth, I mean Goldman Sax is such an amazing bank because they have the most educated scholars who went to Yale on a fullride. The minute you try to make an excuse and blame bakers or corporations for why your life sucks, the minute A guy like me will tell you, it's not Capitalism or the private sector to with whom you should be made at, what you should be mad at is crony over reaching govnment. And do you want to know why I say that, well that's becuz my friends crony gov't is not transperent. How can you be mad at millionairer or billionaire bakers for being filthy rich, they provide you with free information that is all public information, for you to go learn and become informed on how to be properly invest your savings. Listern the first thing ypu do is takre your money out of your bank account and call scottrade or TD ameritrade and open a brokerage account. It's just like a bank account, you can keep your money in cash, and occasionally for example when you do your homework and take advice from Goldman sax's best analyst Heather Billini, 6 months ago Heather recommended a buy signal on Facebook, ticker symbol FB on nasdaq, when it was $50 dollars a share, you could have put
your money in and could have.made a substantial profit with the appreciation of Facebook's capital gains , have you looked yet at Facebook's stock price, it's now trading approx $106 dollars a share, and my target is $500 in 3 years, no kidding, take the time to read through public information, the private sector has to be transparent there's quaterly audits and rules and regulations set by the SEC AND FINRA, that companies have to follow, the system in America is simply quite unique. The more times you point the finger at some one else for why the reason your poor, the minute you need to take a step back and look in the mirror, the only fault for why your life sucks , is simply put, your either too lazy, or just an idiot. So all I can say is I was a stock broker for a year on wall street back in.2010, I've been around millionaire and spoken to billionares, and SIMPLY put the reason why they are rich is because while your working your little 9 to 5 job where you probably don't even work, because let's face it, most of you are clock watchers who avoid doing work while your at your so called job, My friends here's a news flash , your a lazy piece of shit and your weak. At the end of the day while you run home to your DVR and watch your stupid sitcoms, and then while your dumbass is sleeping at nite, millionare in the banking industry are working, and they never stop working, at their job, they are engaged, nuff said. the global economy is always open, let this be a wake up call, your time is running out. Sell your gold, lmao idiots all of you.
As we maintain our view of rising U.S. rates and hence lower gold prices with a three-month target of $1,100 an ounce and 12-month target of $1,000 an ounce, we are recommending shorting gold.

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