Posted by Lukas Magnuson 1 day ago
According to the Russian news website ZNAK the president of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin has issued a command that all Russian officials must immediately fly home all members of their family who are currently living abroad. There are to be no exceptions to this mass return to Russian soil, even if those living in different countries are studying or are permanently settled in a foreign land.
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In recent months, there has been a hasty reclamation of the Cold War pastime of Kremlin watching among the western powers. It has been suggested that intelligence agencies of many different countries believe that President Putin is gearing up for a full-scale conflict with the countries he perceives to be his enemies, particularly the United States. This latest command to repatriate Russian citizens is the latest in a series of actions taken by the Russian President that seem to confirm that this theory is true.
The Exact Reason For The Order Is Not Yet Clear
In the past year, it has become known that Putin has established a number of heavy duty bunkers in strategic points around Russia and that members of the elite and the Russian military are performing regular nuclear attack drills. In addition to this, Russian scientists and engineers have been observed working with the Russian military to improve their own vast nuclear arsenal. In the past month, Putin has also overseen a restructuring of the intelligence agencies within Russia, and it is believed that the former KGB agent has taken personal control and oversight of all military intelligence in the country.
Diplomatic relations between Russia and the United States and the allied countries have reached an all-time low in the past few months. Representatives from the State Department and the Russian Foreign Ministry have exchanged damning criticisms and veiled threats over the conduct of the respective countries in Syria. President Putin himself has shown that he is not above the fray when it comes to making bellicose remarks about the allied powers and the deteriorating internal situation in Syria. He recently canceled a planned diplomatic trip to France over a fiery argument about this particular issue.
According to Russian political analyst, Stanislav Belkovsky said to ZNAK that it would be wrong to perceive all of this in any other way that ‘the package of measure to prepare elites for some ‘big war’.’
Meanwhile, it is a busy strategic morning in Russia, ICBM launch expected from Plesetsk, USAF RC-135S COBRA BALL watching it:
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