Saturday, January 7, 2017 - Vanilla Spilla in NEW SONG "Puppet Government!" - Vanilla Spilla in NEW SONG "Puppet Government!" vanilla Spilla taking shot at the dodd frank law, central banking, th e federal reserve, and the rothschild dynasty. What I want to talk about is how we are all slaves to the global banking cartel and their private banking system. The central banks such as the federal reserve. This is where governments borrow money from. The money is created out of thin air (which is fraud. If you or me were to just print our own money we would be arrest for counterfeiting) Private banks loan money to governments with compounded interest that can never be re-payed. It is extortion and it is bankrupting every country in which the money system is used. (which is nearly every country on the planet) The scam is called "fractional banking" and it is straight up "usury" Google both these terms & research their meanings. Money is supposed to actually be backed up before it is loaned out. This isn't the case. Money created today is backed by nothing of value what soever. They simply create it out of thin air. (which is fraud) The world is trillions of dollars in debt to certain family's who own the private banks which in include the Rothschild dynasty who owns the majority of the wealth of this planet. (google it) The banks have infiltrated the governments of the world colvertly, bankrupting them in the process. It is the biggest scam to ever take place on this earth and you probably had no idea it even existed. You don't learn about where money comes from in school. It is this way for a reason. They don't want you to know where money comes from or it's orgins. Everybody should be pissed off that thier government borrows money of private banks instead of creating it for itself debt free, as it is clearly stated that we are permitted to do in our constitution. Billions of dollars get wasted every year paying back this pointless debt to the private banks instead of going towards things like infrastructure, health care, education, foreign aid to help third world countries, ending poverty in our own countries etc etc. We would have enough money to pay for free healthcare, free education and much more. Our countries could flourish. We could even cure global hunger with the money wasted after as well. That much money gets wasted.. It could be used to help people prosper, instead of lining the pockets of the a few rich elite scumbags. You and your government are being extorted by a fraudulent financial system and most don't even know about it. It's time to wake up. The government is supposed to work for the best interests of the people, not the private corporations! Our fraudulent money system is the biggest crime of the century and people need to wake up to this. We need to create our money ourselves and abolish the fractional banking system, as well as the perpetual debt that we owe to the private banks. Google "Iceland kicks out banks" while your at it. Iceland kicked the private banks out of their country and reclaimed the economy debt free. We need to follow this example.

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