Monday, May 15, 2017

The Pendulum swings, here's USA's worst case scenario, Because Of the Obama 8 year wrecking ball, America has been left very vulnerable, this is what we are facing, and do not know if these Gorbachev/Putin Plans to pounce on US are in the works, How Nuclear War/Russian Attack Explains the Rapture..

How Nuclear War/Russian Attack Explains the Rapture

When Russia bombs U.S. cities, that will produce around 150 million deaths.      
The Christians among the dead will be ushered into Heaven by the angels.      
The Rapture is followed just 4 verses later(1 Thes. 5.3) by "SUDDEN DESTRUCTION",  
which is suggestive of people.dying, all at the same time.  
So, we can take that "sudden destruction" to be what causes    
 souls to exit from people's the Rapture.      
If that much is true, then the Rapture will be a time of mass death !!!      
So, the "trumpet of God" blasting at that time(1st Thess.4.16)    
would have to be the unEarthly sound of the bombs going off !!    
Is there any Biblical confirmation for what I'm saying?      
Yes, quite a bit, unfortunately.
We read that the Rapture occurs at the same time that the ANTICHRIST becomes      
 "revealed" as THE DESTROYER ("the Son of Destruction")(2nd Thess. 2.3).      
"Revealed" presumably by the destruction that he authorizes.      
If that much is true, then the "sudden destruction"    
back in 1 Thess. 5.3 should be his work.      
But what is the purpose of this "sudden destruction"??    
That is answered by the next passage.    
We read that the same Antichrist will "MAKE WAR ON THE SAINTS"      
(meaning the nations of the Christians and Jews),      
and "will overcome them"(conquer them)      
and will thereby    
"gain power over every..nation" (the world). (Revelation 13.7).    
In short, the Antichrist launches his military attack (= the "sudden destruction")    
in order to take over the whole world !!!    
I'm saying that the military attack on Christians in Rev 13.7    
explains the mass death of Christians in 1 Thess. 4.16-17 !!!    
To reiterate, the Rapture occurs as the Antichrist takes over the world via nuclear war/Russian Attack.    
(on America and Western Europe.)    

But how can Russia bomb America yet escape our retaliatory strike??
By making peace, ending the Cold War, Gorbachev got us to gradually disarm much more than we otherwise would have.
Until now we're finally down to the number of warheads that
Russia's antimissile missiles can shoot down !!
  This is fulfilling Paul the apostle's words about the EndTime. "They will believe the lie..they will perish"(2 Thess. 2.9-11).
Now how can "believing a lie" cause people to "perish"??
Let's apply those few words to today's situation - America versus Russia.
Gorbachev and company proclaim that Russia has changed into a democracy,
or at least it has given up Communism.
The Kremlin "proves" it by giving up Eastern Europe, letting the USSR fall apart, etc.
We believe it, even the skeptics, cynics, are won over.
So the USA DISARMS drastically over 30 years, 1987 - 2017.
Finally, Russia bombs our big cities with impunity (intercepting our retaliatory strike).
The whole sequence can be summed up like this: 1) we believe the lie; 2)we act on that belief by disarming; 3)we perish when Russia attacks.
(DISARMING is the part that the Bible leaves out.)
more later.ter the Russian Attack, Christians Will Realize the Rapture Has Taken Place !!

I try to tell people that the Rapture coincides with nuclear war (Russian Attack).  
They don't buy it.  Too unorthodox.
But after the Judgment Day takes place,  
Christians in small towns of America will "get it."  
For they will study their Bibles and will notice, as if for the first time,  that "sudden destruction" comes just 3 verses after the Rapture (1 Thessalonians 4.16-5.3).  
They will put 2 + 2 together and come up with 4, namely that nuclear war was the "sudden destruction", and that the sudden destruction is the CONTEXT of the Rapture.
(Plus the nuclear war is the fulfilling of "the stars will fall" (Matthew 24.29) at the Rapture(Mt 24.30-31).
The "two witnesses" die but after 3 days, they get caught up to heaven (Revelation 11.7-12).  
Taking this figuratively, it's not that "they get raptured after 3 1/2 days."    
Rather, that is the amount of time it takes the survivors to grasp what has happened.
Three days after the Russian Attack, people will realize that the Rapture occurred at that time.Of mass death.

The Rapture occurs at death !!!  
This is based on the apostle Paul's own testimony.    
He was stoned at Lystra and left for dead.(Acts 14.19-20)  
Because he WAS dead.  
His soul came out of his body and was "caught up to the third heaven"(2 Corinthians 12.2).  
That's when it logically would have happened  -  at death.  
So Paul's example is what we can go by.  
The two witnesses get killed as the Beast ascends out of the abyss, ie, as the Roman empire returns to Europe (Rev 17.8-11; 11.7).  
Which means as Russia bombs America and invades Western Europe(Rev 13. 7; Daniel 7 8).putting it under one-man rule,
as in the days of the Caesars.
The two witnesses=the two olive trees(Rev 11.3-4).  
Which in turn = the two parts of one olive tree(Romans 11.16-22).  
So the two witnesses = Christians and Jews collectively.  
They are who go up at the Rapture!!!

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