Breaking news , tides have shifted , there has been a roundtable 180 Degree turn In American Foreign Policy, the United States is perhaps on the verge to A New Shape for a WORLD ORDER - A motion for the China-USA-Russian Strategic Alliance. It would be in America's interest to collapse ENGLAND and DEMOTE EUROPE.! This essentially would create a More Powerful New World Order of 2017 and Beyond .
It perhaps, is no longer in America's Favor to prop up a rather abysmal United Kingdom, a sorry excuse for an ally these days. Analyzing the economic data today, it is clear that The United Kingdom is really the Divided Kingdom, he says, calling the U.K. a broken growth model - dependent on imports, weak public finances, high household leverage, stagnant productivity, growing social imbalances.
The takeaway: Go short long-dated Gilts, which currently yield more than 200 basis points less than 10-year inflation expectations. Then there's the cost of Brexit - 7% of GDP over the next few years.
Notable U.K. ETFs: profiting on the expected U.K. collapse , FXB, EWU, GBB, EWUS, FKU, DXPS, DBUK, QGBR, HEWU
A New Shape for a WORLD ORDER - A motion for the China-USA-Russian Strategic Alliance / One possible way to do this would be for Trump to propose replacing “little” NAFTA with “big” NAFTA—the North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement, which would bring the United Kingdom directly into a post-EU Anglo-Atlantic sphere, while at the same time delivering on Trump’s anti-Mexican (though not anti-Canadian) election pledge. At the same time, Trump could credibly apply pressure on other NATO members to increase their currently risible defense budgets. Finally, he and Putin could work together to help continental populists such as Marine Le Pen to win the elections of 2017. As Roosevelt put it in 1906: “France ought to be with us and England—in our zone and our combination. It is the sound arrangement economically and politically.”The
-U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) intends to
extend by July 16, 2017 the current no-action relief to Shanghai Clearing
House for six months, with further extensions amounting to up to three years,
if appropriate and consistent with the conditions set forth in the no-action
relief. The People’s Bank of China and the CFTC are to work towards a
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) concerning the cooperation and the
exchange of information related to the oversight of cross-border clearing
-By July 16, 2017, China is to issue any further necessary guidelines
and allow wholly U.S.-owned suppliers of electronic payment services (EPS)
to begin the licensing process. This should lead to full and prompt market
access. China is to continue to allow Chinese banks to issue dual brand-dual
currency bankcards that allow U.S. EPS suppliers to process foreign currency
payment card transactions.
-The applicable U.S. federal regulatory authorities remain committed
to apply in the United States the same bank prudential supervisory and
regulatory standards to Chinese banking institutions as to other foreign
banking institutions, in like circumstances and in accordance with U.S. law.
China is to issue both bond underwriting and settlement licenses to
two qualified U.S. financial institutions by July 16, 2017.
-The United States recognizes the importance of China’s One Belt and
One Road initiative and is to send delegates to attend the Belt and Road
Forum in Beijing May 14-15.
-The United States welcomes direct investment by Chinese
entrepreneurs as it does by entrepreneurs from other countries. The United
States welcomes Chinese participation in the SelectUSA Investment Summit
that will be held June 18-20 in Washington D.C. read full report
To Stop the War Party, Shut Down the British System
The GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast bomb, the United States' most powerful non-nuclear bomb was recently used in Afghanistan by the Trump administration. []
The majority of the world’s nations and peoples are in a state of shock, and fear, that the recent 180 degree turn by President Donald Trump -- from his rejection of "regime change" and a commitment to work with Russia and China for peace and development, to a criminal and unwarranted military attack on Syria and a threat to preemptively attack North Korea -- could provoke a global nuclear war at virtually any moment. This fear is fully justified, but to prevent such an existential disaster for mankind, they must finally come to terms with the fact, long identified by Lyndon LaRouche, that the source of this crisis is the British Empire and the British System.
Not only did the London Guardian brag on April 13 that Britain's GCHQ (the UK's NSA equivalent) first notified the US intelligence services of so-called suspicious contacts between Trump campaign personnel and Russians deemed to be "suspected intelligence agents" – as if contact with Russians were a bad thing – but they openly complained that the United States was prohibited by law from spying on their own citizens -- so the Brits had to do it for them.
Through their influence over political and media networks in the U.S., and their primary asset George Soros, the British used a totally fake dossier fabricated by "former" MI6 agent Christopher Steele to create a "color revolution" movement against the Trump presidency over supposed ties to the Russians. Then, using fake intelligence reports from their terrorist-connected "White Helmet" assets in Syria, the British surrounded Trump with the lie that the Syrian government had used chemical weapons against their own population – an absurdity, since it served no military purpose, and the Syrian government was already clearly winning the war against ISIS and al-Qaeda terrorists with Russian help. Recall that it was Tony Blair who provided the fake intelligence that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, drawing GW Bush into the war on Iraq that launched the current Hell of terror and mass refugees across the Middle East.
This British complicity was made public on April 12th in the UN Security Council, when Russian Deputy Envoy to the Security Council, Vladimir Safronkov, turned directly to the British Ambassador Matthew Rycroft, who had just denounced Russia for backing Bashar al Assad in Syria (and who had earlier been an aid to Tony Blair when the British launched the criminal war on Iraq). Safronkov correctly identified the British motive in their lies and war mongering: "You are afraid that we might work with the U.S. This is what you lose sleep over."
This is exactly the British purpose. The British have used the United States as their "dumb giant" to fight their colonial wars ever since the assassination of John F. Kennedy – from Vietnam to Iraq to Libya and Syria, and now perhaps North Korea, which would bring all of Asia and the world into a nuclear holocaust. The British are willing to risk global nuclear war in order to prevent the U.S. from breaking the imperial division of the world into conflicting East and West, from uniting the entire world behind mutual peace and development, and ending Empire once and for all.
LaRouche's Schiller Institute demonstrated the way out of this disaster on April 13-14 in Manhattan, in a conference titled "U.S.-China Cooperation on the Belt and Road Initiative and Corresponding Ideas in Chinese and Western Philosophy." Speaking at the conference were leading Chinese and Russian diplomats and professionals, presenting the urgency that President Trump join with China and Russia in the New Silk Road projects now bringing win-win development, rather than war, to every part of the world. Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder of the Schiller Institute, addressed both the urgency of this cooperation as the necessary "war avoidance" policy, but also the need to bring the cultural traditions of all great nations – and especially those of the Chinese Confucian culture and the Western Renaissance culture – into harmony as the basis for meeting the common aims of mankind.
This requires, at long last, the completion of the US Revolution against the British imperial system, crushing that evil system within the US and worldwide, now, before they succeed in launching a war that would mean the immediate end of civilization as we know it.
Every citizen, of every nation, must act on the basis of their true humanity at this moment of crisis of civilization, to join with the LaRouche movement and other like-minded citizens of the world, to crush the British system, and bring into being a new paradigm represented by the New Silk Road process of peace through development.
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