Tuesday, May 23, 2017

It’s Official: Obama Presidency Had Worst Economic Growth Since World War II – 4th Worst in History!

It’s Official: Obama Presidency Had Worst Economic Growth Since World War II – 4th Worst in History!

May 23rd by Vanilla Spilla (Charles Graham)

Jonathon M. Trugman at the New York Post reported this week that the final numbers for the Obama Administration are in and they are abysmal:
On Thursday we closed the book on the Obama economic “miracle” — and it’s a miracle we are not in a recession.
Last week the Commerce Department released its third revision for fourth-quarter 2016 gross domestic product. The number came in at a paltry 2.1 percent, meaning that growth during President Obama’s final year in office — the end of an “Error of Hope” — landed with a big thud at just 1.6 percent.
That low-water mark puts the Obama presidency in last place among all the post-World War II presidents when it comes to economic growth.
The rate of real economic growth is the single greatest determinant of both America’s strength as a nation and the well-being of the American people.
From 1790 to 2000, U.S. RGDP growth averaged 3.79%. America needs at least 3.0% economic growth-the nation cannot defend itself and pay its bills without it. However, America’s elites have largely given up on growth, and are now distracting themselves with academic musings about “secular stagnation.”
By February of 2016 it was clear that Obama had given up on economic growth. Obama’s Congressional Budget Office (CBO) forecasted in early 2016 that America will never see 3.0% economic growth again.
As a result of his failed economic policies, Obama now ranks as the fourth worst presidency on record in GDP growth at 1.6%. Only Herbert Hoover (-5.65%), Andrew Johnson (-0.70%) and Theodore Roosevelt (1.41%) currently have lower average annual GDP growth than Barack Obama. In addition, Obama has the lowest annual GDP growth rate of any President since World War II.
Barack Obama is the only U.S. president in history who did not deliver a single year of 3.0%+ economic growth.
Here are the average growth rates for each president since World War II:
  • Johnson (1964-68), 5.3 percent
  • Kennedy (1961-63), 4.3 percent
  • Clinton (1993-2000), 3.9 percent
  • Reagan (1981-88), 3.5 percent
  • Carter (1977-80), 3.3 percent
  • Eisenhower (1953-60), 3 percent
  • Nixon (1969-74), 2.8 percent
  • Ford (1975-76), 2.6 percent
  • G.H.W. Bush (1989-92), 2.3 percent
  • G.W. Bush (2001-08), 2.1 percent
  • Truman (1946-52), 1.7 percent
  • Obama (2009-16), 1.6 percent
Obama’s economic policies failed America and resulted in 95 million without work, the debt at an astronomical $20 Trillion and more Americans on Food Stamps than ever before. 
Obama left America in a mess!
See the following for additional reasons why Obama was the ‘Worst. President. Ever’:

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

The War in Syria: David Crane on Assad's Crematorium

Monday, May 15, 2017

The Pendulum swings, here's USA's worst case scenario, Because Of the Obama 8 year wrecking ball, America has been left very vulnerable, this is what we are facing, and do not know if these Gorbachev/Putin Plans to pounce on US are in the works, How Nuclear War/Russian Attack Explains the Rapture..

How Nuclear War/Russian Attack Explains the Rapture

When Russia bombs U.S. cities, that will produce around 150 million deaths.      
The Christians among the dead will be ushered into Heaven by the angels.      
The Rapture is followed just 4 verses later(1 Thes. 5.3) by "SUDDEN DESTRUCTION",  
which is suggestive of people.dying, all at the same time.  
So, we can take that "sudden destruction" to be what causes    
 souls to exit from people's bodies.at the Rapture.      
If that much is true, then the Rapture will be a time of mass death !!!      
So, the "trumpet of God" blasting at that time(1st Thess.4.16)    
would have to be the unEarthly sound of the bombs going off !!    
Is there any Biblical confirmation for what I'm saying?      
Yes, quite a bit, unfortunately.
We read that the Rapture occurs at the same time that the ANTICHRIST becomes      
 "revealed" as THE DESTROYER ("the Son of Destruction")(2nd Thess. 2.3).      
"Revealed" presumably by the destruction that he authorizes.      
If that much is true, then the "sudden destruction"    
back in 1 Thess. 5.3 should be his work.      
But what is the purpose of this "sudden destruction"??    
That is answered by the next passage.    
We read that the same Antichrist will "MAKE WAR ON THE SAINTS"      
(meaning the nations of the Christians and Jews),      
and "will overcome them"(conquer them)      
and will thereby    
"gain power over every..nation" (the world). (Revelation 13.7).    
In short, the Antichrist launches his military attack (= the "sudden destruction")    
in order to take over the whole world !!!    
I'm saying that the military attack on Christians in Rev 13.7    
explains the mass death of Christians in 1 Thess. 4.16-17 !!!    
To reiterate, the Rapture occurs as the Antichrist takes over the world via nuclear war/Russian Attack.    
(on America and Western Europe.)    

But how can Russia bomb America yet escape our retaliatory strike??
By making peace, ending the Cold War, Gorbachev got us to gradually disarm much more than we otherwise would have.
Until now we're finally down to the number of warheads that
Russia's antimissile missiles can shoot down !!
  This is fulfilling Paul the apostle's words about the EndTime. "They will believe the lie..they will perish"(2 Thess. 2.9-11).
Now how can "believing a lie" cause people to "perish"??
Let's apply those few words to today's situation - America versus Russia.
Gorbachev and company proclaim that Russia has changed into a democracy,
or at least it has given up Communism.
The Kremlin "proves" it by giving up Eastern Europe, letting the USSR fall apart, etc.
We believe it, even the skeptics, cynics, are won over.
So the USA DISARMS drastically over 30 years, 1987 - 2017.
Finally, Russia bombs our big cities with impunity (intercepting our retaliatory strike).
The whole sequence can be summed up like this: 1) we believe the lie; 2)we act on that belief by disarming; 3)we perish when Russia attacks.
(DISARMING is the part that the Bible leaves out.)
more later.ter the Russian Attack, Christians Will Realize the Rapture Has Taken Place !!

I try to tell people that the Rapture coincides with nuclear war (Russian Attack).  
They don't buy it.  Too unorthodox.
But after the Judgment Day takes place,  
Christians in small towns of America will "get it."  
For they will study their Bibles and will notice, as if for the first time,  that "sudden destruction" comes just 3 verses after the Rapture (1 Thessalonians 4.16-5.3).  
They will put 2 + 2 together and come up with 4, namely that nuclear war was the "sudden destruction", and that the sudden destruction is the CONTEXT of the Rapture.
(Plus the nuclear war is the fulfilling of "the stars will fall" (Matthew 24.29) at the Rapture(Mt 24.30-31).
The "two witnesses" die but after 3 days, they get caught up to heaven (Revelation 11.7-12).  
Taking this figuratively, it's not that "they get raptured after 3 1/2 days."    
Rather, that is the amount of time it takes the survivors to grasp what has happened.
Three days after the Russian Attack, people will realize that the Rapture occurred at that time.Of mass death.

The Rapture occurs at death !!!  
This is based on the apostle Paul's own testimony.    
He was stoned at Lystra and left for dead.(Acts 14.19-20)  
Because he WAS dead.  
His soul came out of his body and was "caught up to the third heaven"(2 Corinthians 12.2).  
That's when it logically would have happened  -  at death.  
So Paul's example is what we can go by.  
The two witnesses get killed as the Beast ascends out of the abyss, ie, as the Roman empire returns to Europe (Rev 17.8-11; 11.7).  
Which means as Russia bombs America and invades Western Europe(Rev 13. 7; Daniel 7 8).putting it under one-man rule,
as in the days of the Caesars.
The two witnesses=the two olive trees(Rev 11.3-4).  
Which in turn = the two parts of one olive tree(Romans 11.16-22).  
So the two witnesses = Christians and Jews collectively.  
They are who go up at the Rapture!!!


President Donald Trump tweeted the virtues of the deal, calling it “real news!” AND A MOTION FOR NEW WORLD ORDER, THE ORDER OF , HENRY KISSINGER HAS GIVEN OUR And White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer started a contentious news briefing Friday by touting the merits of what he called the president’s fight for American jobs.
In truth, the trade wins build on market openings already under way.  The Trump administration secured preliminary access to the Chinese market for U.S. beef exports, which had been disrupted for more than a decade because of the “mad cow” scare, but hadn’t finished the technical trade talks. And the new agreements also formalize the ability of China to import natural gas from the United States; China already imports significant volumes of U.S. liquefied natural gas.
What’s more, the new agreements depend on highly undependable Chinese cooperation, one reason similar accords have been struck in vain in the past. However, the quick progress signals a more pragmatic approach by the administration to dealing with trade tensions between the two countries, after months of saber-rattling and talk of a trade war.
The administration said the agreements were the fruit of a review carried out as a result of the meeting between Presidents Trump and Xi Jinping. The speedy conclusion heralds a welcome shift from the obsession with trade deficits that has defined the administration’s trade policy so far, said Derek Scissors, an expert on China’s economy at the American Enterprise Institute
The problem is, the administration isn’t applying this approach across the board: It’s still haranguing key U.S. allies over negative trade balances. On May 4, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross called out Mexico and CANADA for their trade surpluses with the United States, which he said were growing at “an alarming rate.” (Mexico’s trade surplus with the United States has widened in part because Trump’s Mexico-bashing rhetoric has lowered the value of the peso, which in turns boosts its exports and squeezes its imports.)

Aside from easing restrictions on American beef and liquefied natural gas, Thursday’s agreement would lift restrictions to allow U.S. electronic payment processors to operate in China. Beijing would also grant licenses to two U.S. banks seeking to underwrite stock or bond offerings in China.
On the Chinese side, the deal would open the U.S. market to cooked poultry imports from China and give Chinese banks operating in the U.S. the same regulatory and supervisory treatment as other banks. The agreement also says the United States “welcomes” investment from Chinese entrepreneurs – language important to Beijing amid rising concern in America that such investments could pose a national security threat.
The issue now will be follow-through. China has a long history of formally granting market access but then effectively blocking it by controlling how Chinese firms conduct business, or by other informal restrictions on how foreign companies can operate.
A case in point: Telecom ventures. In the negotiations leading to China’s accession to the World Trade Organization more than a decade ago, the United States fought for access to China’s telecom industry. To date, there have been no joint ventures of any significance between Chinese and American firms, according to Scissors, but perhaps there soon will be. This extraordinary news, it only complete competent business sense that China and America be the Prime focus for trade and business partnerships, for all those many of years where the U,S, would proportionally make arrangements with the underprivileged, nonproductive , stagnant, completely despicable fuck me in the ass of an ally , excuse my language, but these qualities and traits were the Neo-Con unruly jerkoff nations  mainly Canada, Mexico, Greece, Spain, Puerto Rico , Italy  England's the shitshow handicapped butt fuck, and ALL OF LAZY EUROPE,( BESIDE POLAND, whom has a military ranked above Germany, mind you, Germany spends $56 billion on the military, all the while Poland spends mere $5 billion and they more submarines, better automatic weapons that don't jam, and my god Poland's Secret Ops Protege Security is more stealth like and on point and not corrupt like England's corrupt Big Brother Back Stabbing ass clowns,but that's beside the point) MY goodness, do you Understand , for god sakes, for so long China has been vying for our attention. The chinese always perspired for The Usa to  treat China like a business partner or counterpart to which seeking only THE intent to build concrete sediment along the lines of these following interests:  :.. THE SEDIMENT BEING SAVVY / SMARTS OF   business SENSIBLE FORTITUDES /HOLING moral/sensible / fair and strategic competences for both our interests to which all the above has been and always sought for  AS AN ACHIEVED GOAL AND UNION that the chinese longed for, and seriously there is no  NO HIDDEN ULTERIOR MOTIVE for wanting and seeking this relationship .  BECAUSE POINT BLANK, LET'S BE HONEST here, ENGLAND , EUROPE, FRANCE, GREECE , CANADA, ISRAEL , SPAIN, AND FUCKING ITALY ALL HAVE AN ULTERIOR MOTIVE, THERE MOTIVE IS TO BACKSTAB RAPE US, AND THEY HAVING NO PRODUCTIVITY AND NOTHING TO OFFER, , I MEAN , THESE DISGUSTING HANDICAP nations PRODUCE NOTHING, HAVE NO RESOURCES , NO WEAPONRY TO USE OR OFFER, NO TECHNOLOGICAL SEMBLANCE OF COORDINATION OF CYBER PROTECTION, NO NEW CLOUD STORAGE computer hard drives /no SERVER NETWORK SYMPOSIUMs , this rant well, GETTING REDUNDANT, BUT I THINK THE POINT HERE IS CLEAR. I AM SICK OF IMPORTING EXPENSIVE SHITTY BEER FROM ENGLAND, WINE FROM ITALY, PERFUME FROM FRANCE, And shitt heroin actors from these countries   , NOTHING OF INNOVATION is ever in the equation, so from here on out, I see the U.S. will achieve it's NEW WORLD ORDER WITH CHINA, AND IT WILL BE A DYNASTY! GOD BLESS AMERICA

The “Obama Doctrine” has failed in Europe, too, where English voters opted to leave the EU in defiance of the President’s threats, and where the German leadership he recently praised has delivered, first, an unnecessarily protracted financial crisis in the European periphery and, second, a disastrous influx to the core of migrants, some but not all of them refugees from a region that Europe had intervened in just enough to exacerbate its instability.

Obama's failures leave the USA with no other choice but to abandon U.K. and Europe, Donald Trump will digress on the Future of foreign policy over the next 24 hours.. The debating issues he will be battling with will set the Stage for next 100 years of worldly tides, let's hope whatever decision he does make will be the decision that us, as Americans will rally behind. It's time to reanalyze why American Foreign Interests might be taking a 180 degree turn of the century. This conflict the old USA-England/Europe Allegiance versus the China/Russian geopolitical theater seems to be rather incongruent these days , considering the England/Europe slow decline over the past 10 years... Much of American interests might be up in the air today has to do with the stemming lackluster mishandled 8 years of Obama's  Foreign Policy setback.. Down Below is the historically analysis of the OBAMA 8 year DEBACLE as Commander and Chief...

Obama’s foreign policy has been a failure, most obviously in the Middle East, where the smoldering ruin that is Syria—not to mention Iraq and Libya—attests to the fundamental naivety of his approach, dating all the way back to the 2009 Cairo speech. The President came to believe he had an ingenious strategy to establish geopolitical balance between Sunni and Shi’a. But by treating America’s Arab friends with open disdain, while cutting a nuclear deal with Iran that has left Tehran free to wage proxy wars across the region, Obama has achieved not peace but a fractal geometry of conflict and a frightening, possibly nuclear, arms race. At the same time, he has allowed Russia to become a major player in the Middle East for the first time since Kissinger squeezed the Soviets out of Egypt in the 1972-79 period. The death toll in the Syrian war now approaches half a million; who knows how much higher it will rise between now and Inauguration Day?

Meanwhile, global terrorism has surged under Obama. Of the past 16 years, the worst year for terrorism was 2014, with 93 countries experiencing an attack and 32,765 people killed. 2015 was the second worst, with 29,376 deaths. Last year, four radical Islamic groups were responsible for 74 per cent of all deaths from terrorism: ISIS, Boko Haram, the Taliban, and al-Qaeda.9 In this context, the President’s claims to be succeeding against what he euphemistically calls “violent extremism” are absurd. Much opprobrium has been heaped on Donald Trump in the course of the past year. But there was much that was true in his underreported August 15 foreign policy speech on the subject of Islamic extremism and the failure of the Obama Administration to defeat it.10

The “Obama Doctrine” has failed in Europe, too, where English voters opted to leave the EU in defiance of the President’s threats, and where the German leadership he recently praised has delivered, first, an unnecessarily protracted financial crisis in the European periphery and, second, a disastrous influx to the core of migrants, some but not all of them refugees from a region that Europe had intervened in just enough to exacerbate its instability. The President has also failed in eastern Europe, where not only has Ukraine been invaded and Crimea annexed, but also Hungary and now Poland have opted to deviate sharply from the President’s liberal “arc of history.” Finally, his foreign policy has failed in Asia, where little remains of the much-vaunted pivot. “If you look at how we’ve operated in the South China Sea,” the President boasted in an interview published in March, “we have been able to mobilize most of Asia to isolate China in ways that have surprised China, frankly, and have very much served our interest in strengthening our alliances.”11 The new President of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte, apparently did not receive this memorandum. In October he went to Beijing’s Great Hall of the People to announce his “separation from the United States.”

In effect, Obama has combined the rhetoric of Wilsonianism with a strategic retreat driven mainly by domestic political calculation.

In his interview with Jeffrey Goldberg, Kissinger goes further. As he puts it, with reference to Obama’s fateful decision not to intervene in Syria when Assad crossed his “red line” on the use of chemical weapons, the decision to use military force “should not be a compromise between contending domestic forces.” Whatever the rationale of Obama’s effort to achieve a new equilibrium between Sunni and Shi’a, the President has “created the impression—and the reality—of an American strategic withdrawal from the region.” The Iran deal was simply too favorable to Iran because it lifted sanctions without requiring Iran to curtail “its imperial and jihadist foreign policy” in the region: “The assumption that a weapons-specific negotiation would produce a psychological breakthrough in their thinking did not reflect Iran’s 2,000 years of imperial experience."

A New Shape for a WORLD ORDER - A motion for the China-USA-Russian Strategic Alliance could be in the works.Now after a roundtable debate, THE USA has made a 180 degree turn, regarding Foreign Policy, this Stance is clear, It would be in America's interest to collapse ENGLAND and DEMOTE EUROPE.! This essentially would create a More Powerful New World Order of 2017 and Beyond .. would be an Order of Titanic Proportions...This requires, at long last, the completion of the US Revolution against the British imperial system, crushing that evil system within the US and worldwide, now, before they succeed in launching a war that would mean the immediate end of civilization as we know it.

Breaking news , tides have shifted , there has been a roundtable 180 Degree turn In American Foreign Policy, the United States is perhaps on the verge to A New Shape for a WORLD ORDER - A motion for the China-USA-Russian Strategic Alliance. It would be in America's interest to collapse ENGLAND and DEMOTE EUROPE.! This essentially would create a More Powerful New World Order of 2017 and Beyond .   

It perhaps, is no longer in America's Favor to prop up a rather abysmal United Kingdom, a sorry excuse for an ally these days. Analyzing the economic data today, it is clear that The United Kingdom is really the Divided Kingdom, he says, calling the U.K. a broken growth model - dependent on imports, weak public finances, high household leverage, stagnant productivity, growing social imbalances.

The takeaway: Go short long-dated Gilts, which currently yield more than 200 basis points less than 10-year inflation expectations. Then there's the cost of Brexit - 7% of GDP over the next few years.

Notable U.K. ETFs:  profiting on the expected U.K. collapse , FXB, EWU, GBB, EWUS, FKU, DXPS, DBUK, QGBR, HEWU

A New Shape for a WORLD ORDER - A motion for the China-USA-Russian Strategic Alliance / One possible way to do this would be for Trump to propose replacing “little” NAFTA with “big” NAFTA—the North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement, which would bring the United Kingdom directly into a post-EU Anglo-Atlantic sphere, while at the same time delivering on Trump’s anti-Mexican (though not anti-Canadian) election pledge. At the same time, Trump could credibly apply pressure on other NATO members to increase their currently risible defense budgets. Finally, he and Putin could work together to help continental populists such as Marine Le Pen to win the elections of 2017. As Roosevelt put it in 1906: “France ought to be with us and England—in our zone and our combination. It is the sound arrangement economically and politically.”The 

-U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) intends to 
extend by July 16, 2017 the current no-action relief to Shanghai Clearing 
House for six months, with further extensions amounting to up to three years, 
if appropriate and consistent with the conditions set forth in the no-action 
relief. The People’s Bank of China and the CFTC are to work towards a 
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) concerning the cooperation and the 
exchange of information related to the oversight of cross-border clearing 
 -By July 16, 2017, China is to issue any further necessary guidelines 
and allow wholly U.S.-owned suppliers of electronic payment services (EPS) 
to begin the licensing process. This should lead to full and prompt market 
access. China is to continue to allow Chinese banks to issue dual brand-dual 
currency bankcards that allow U.S. EPS suppliers to process foreign currency 
payment card transactions.
-The applicable U.S. federal regulatory authorities remain committed 
to apply in the United States the same bank prudential supervisory and 
regulatory standards to Chinese banking institutions as to other foreign 
banking institutions, in like circumstances and in accordance with U.S. law.
China is to issue both bond underwriting and settlement licenses to 
two qualified U.S. financial institutions by July 16, 2017.
-The United States recognizes the importance of China’s One Belt and 
One Road initiative and is to send delegates to attend the Belt and Road 
Forum in Beijing May 14-15. 
-The United States welcomes direct investment by Chinese 
entrepreneurs as it does by entrepreneurs from other countries. The United 
States welcomes Chinese participation in the SelectUSA Investment Summit 
that will be held June 18-20 in Washington D.C. read full report http://www.wsj.com/public/resources/documents/secretaryrossbriefing.pdf

To Stop the War Party, Shut Down the British System

The GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast bomb, the United States' most powerful non-nuclear bomb was recently used in Afghanistan by the Trump administration. [defense.gov]
The majority of the world’s nations and peoples are in a state of shock, and fear, that the recent 180 degree turn by President Donald Trump -- from his rejection of "regime change" and a commitment to work with Russia and China for peace and development, to a criminal and unwarranted military attack on Syria and a threat to preemptively attack North Korea -- could provoke a global nuclear war at virtually any moment. This fear is fully justified, but to prevent such an existential disaster for mankind, they must finally come to terms with the fact, long identified by Lyndon LaRouche, that the source of this crisis is the British Empire and the British System.
Not only did the London Guardian brag on April 13 that Britain's GCHQ (the UK's NSA equivalent) first notified the US intelligence services of so-called suspicious contacts between Trump campaign personnel and Russians deemed to be "suspected intelligence agents" – as if contact with Russians were a bad thing – but they openly complained that the United States was prohibited by law from spying on their own citizens -- so the Brits had to do it for them.
Through their influence over political and media networks in the U.S., and their primary asset George Soros, the British used a totally fake dossier fabricated by "former" MI6 agent Christopher Steele to create a "color revolution" movement against the Trump presidency over supposed ties to the Russians. Then, using fake intelligence reports from their terrorist-connected "White Helmet" assets in Syria, the British surrounded Trump with the lie that the Syrian government had used chemical weapons against their own population – an absurdity, since it served no military purpose, and the Syrian government was already clearly winning the war against ISIS and al-Qaeda terrorists with Russian help. Recall that it was Tony Blair who provided the fake intelligence that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, drawing GW Bush into the war on Iraq that launched the current Hell of terror and mass refugees across the Middle East.
This British complicity was made public on April 12th in the UN Security Council, when Russian Deputy Envoy to the Security Council, Vladimir Safronkov, turned directly to the British Ambassador Matthew Rycroft, who had just denounced Russia for backing Bashar al Assad in Syria (and who had earlier been an aid to Tony Blair when the British launched the criminal war on Iraq). Safronkov correctly identified the British motive in their lies and war mongering: "You are afraid that we might work with the U.S. This is what you lose sleep over."
This is exactly the British purpose. The British have used the United States as their "dumb giant" to fight their colonial wars ever since the assassination of John F. Kennedy – from Vietnam to Iraq to Libya and Syria, and now perhaps North Korea, which would bring all of Asia and the world into a nuclear holocaust. The British are willing to risk global nuclear war in order to prevent the U.S. from breaking the imperial division of the world into conflicting East and West, from uniting the entire world behind mutual peace and development, and ending Empire once and for all.
LaRouche's Schiller Institute demonstrated the way out of this disaster on April 13-14 in Manhattan, in a conference titled "U.S.-China Cooperation on the Belt and Road Initiative and Corresponding Ideas in Chinese and Western Philosophy." Speaking at the conference were leading Chinese and Russian diplomats and professionals, presenting the urgency that President Trump join with China and Russia in the New Silk Road projects now bringing win-win development, rather than war, to every part of the world. Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder of the Schiller Institute, addressed both the urgency of this cooperation as the necessary "war avoidance" policy, but also the need to bring the cultural traditions of all great nations – and especially those of the Chinese Confucian culture and the Western Renaissance culture – into harmony as the basis for meeting the common aims of mankind.
This requires, at long last, the completion of the US Revolution against the British imperial system, crushing that evil system within the US and worldwide, now, before they succeed in launching a war that would mean the immediate end of civilization as we know it.
Every citizen, of every nation, must act on the basis of their true humanity at this moment of crisis of civilization, to join with the LaRouche movement and other like-minded citizens of the world, to crush the British system, and bring into being a new paradigm represented by the New Silk Road process of peace through development.
Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche's keynote address to the April 13-14th conference, "U.S.-China Cooperation on the Belt & Road Initiative," exploring the corresponding ideas in Chinese and Western thought.                                                                                                                                                                                            

Sunday, May 14, 2017

TIME TO BECOME ALARMED, TOTALLY ALARMED !!! America's nuclear arsenal isn't what it used to be. If a strong RETALIATORY nuclear arsenal (the threat to use it) is all that is keeping Russia, still Stalinist(!!), from bombing us, then we must expect that Russian attack soon.


America's nuclear arsenal isn't what it used to be.
If a strong RETALIATORY nuclear arsenal (the threat to use it) is all that is keeping Russia, still Stalinist(!!), from bombing us,
then we must expect that Russian attack soon.
For our retaliatory arsenal has shrunk down to the level of a "paper tiger."
Meaning we can not deliver on our threat to retaliate effectively !!!

Here are the sickening facts, the nauseating truth:
(1)Our 3-part nuclear Triad has shrunk down to just a shadow of its former self,
all the way down to a zero-part arsenal.
First of all, our strategic bombers have all been taken off "alert" status,
 (ready to take off within 6 minutes - before Russian submarine missiles can arrive).
So instead of 3 parts, we are down to just 2 parts.
(2)Secondly, our ICBMS, (InterContinental Ballistic Missiles) are on "delayed launch" status.
Instead of us launching as soon as our spy satellites detect the ignition plumes  from Russian missiles,  our policy since Bill Clinton's presidency had been to NOT launch our ICBMs !!!
Instead we are supposed to test our satellites and computers to make sure they aren't malfunctioning.
Since this testing takes several minutes,
there is no way we can get our ICBMs into the air  -- within the short 6 minute window --  before missiles from Russian submarines hit our ICBM silos in Montana.

So instead of an arsenal of two parts, we are down to just one part, our submarine-launched missiles.(SLBMs).
Here's why that last part, even that last part, doesn't count as a valid deterrent force.

(3)Thirdly, our priceless submarines have been reduced from 39 down to just 12.
With 4 of the 12 being in port, which means they don't count.
For the ports will be bombed at the outset of the war.
So we are down to just 8 subs at sea.
But Obama signed a disarmament treaty which in effect reduces us to the equivalent of just 7 subs.

To get to the point, we are down to just 1,120 missile warheads on our 8 subs at sea.
But Russia has enuff interceptors (ABMs) to shoot down "between 1200-1300 incoming warheads", according to William T. Lee, an ex-CIA military analyst ("Russia as the World's Number One Nuclear Power," Washington Times, Jan. 30, 1996).
So we have fewer warheads than Russia can shoot down.
So instead of our nuclear arsenal striking fear into the hearts of the Kremlin gremlins,
our arsenal (its decline) now should ironically strike fear  -- terror  -- into the hearts of the American people !!!

PS: to be technical, we still have either 6 or 12 B2 Stealth Bombers on "alert".
Wow, pretty impressive, eh??
With an economy of $17 trillion, we have fewer than one bomber per trillion dollars.

More On Why Russia Ended the Cold War

During the Stalinist era, from Stalin's time uptil Gorbachev,  
Who idiot liberals see as a nonStalinist  just because he ended the Cold War which Stalin had started,
The Kremlin was steadily working to "find the holy grail," in other words,  
gain the ability to destroy all 3 legs of America's  nuclear Triad (our retaliatory arsenal -- deters Russia from attacking).
They did gain the ability to destroy our bombers -- by building SAMs, surface-to-air missiles.
They did gain the ability to destroy our ICBMs -- by bringing their submarines within 6 minutes of our ICBM silos in Montana, etc.
Armed with GPS, missiles fired from Russian subs are now accurate enuff to score direct hits on our ICBM silos.
So in the late 1980s it was two down, one to go.
Russian built a nationwide ABM system of anti-missile missiles called ABMs to shoot down warheads released from missiles fired from our subs.
But we simply had way more subs and warheads than Russia's ABMs could handle !!!
(Boy, those were the good old days.)
The Kremlin was at a crossroads.
Either Russia would have to DOUBLE the size of its ABM system,
or it could go with plan B,  -- use DISARMAMENT treaties as a weapon.
Russia could try to get us to do their dirty work for them.
By getting US to cut back on the number of subs we have -- saving Russia from having to shoot down all the warheads coming from those subs !!
The only problem was that America wouldn't be stupid enuff to cut way back on our subs while the Cold War was raging.
The obvious solution to this problem was what??
END THE COLD WAR!!! And hope for the best.

I say all that to say this:
Ending the Cold War would NOT by itself enduce America into agreeing to extreme disarmament treaties.
Why not? Because skeptics in our government and news media, etc would see thru the "peace" ploy.
No, in order for the ending of the Cold War to produce the results desired by the Kremlin,
it would have to be augmented by a whole lot more !!!
The Kremlin, crafty devil that it is, saw that  as long as Russia owned an empire it looked imperialistic, by definition.
For that's what an empire is, a country that  
conquers other lands and subjugates people.
So Russia would have to let go of Eastern Europe. A very big deal.
But even suffering thru that ordeal would not be enuff to win over the cynics and skeptics.
For the Soviet Union itself contained captive nations: the three Baltic republics.
Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.
So the USSR itself would have to go -- to "make it look good," of course.
The Kremlin could afford to make these concessions, for it could regain all those lands later on -- after America disarmed and got bombed.by Russia.
Russia could then take over all the lands it had given up -- yes, the crafty Kremlin had it all figured out.
My point is what??
Simply that Russia's ending of the Cold War need NOT have been
accompanied by all the rest of the impressive changes that occurred.

So, WHY WAS IT ???
The combination of all those events is what is so fishy, so dog gone phony.
For the West to swallow it all, hook line and  sinker -- that just shows how incredibly gullible we are.
Again, why couldn't Russia have ended the CW without giving up Eastern Europe, without letting the USSR split up.
Without Communism falling in Russia,  
without capitalism, Christianity etc being welcomed  back.
Obviously, it  all was done to seduce the West, especially the cynics/skeptics.
And it worked.
Even Edward Jay Epstein who wrote "Deception: the Secret War Between the CIA And the KGB,"
Even he has decided the Fall of Communism was for real.
But if he would only study the dire situation
the Kremlin found itself in back in the mid to late 1980s, he would see that the need to get America to disarm profusely was the Kremlin's top priority.
The Kremlin's back was against the wall.
Its as simple as that.
When Russian Attack does finally come
I hope you will finally realize just why Russia did all those impressive things way back in the late 1980s.
The Importance of DISARMAMENT as a Weapon to the Kremlin

Our retaliatory  arsenal has kept Russia from attacking us.  
We tell Russia, If you attack us, we will attack you back.  
So Russia has built offensive missiles designed to destroy our arsenal before we can launch it.  
Plus they have  built defensive missiles to intercept our missiles after we launch them (as they head toward Russia).  
But in addition to  building actual weapons, Russia relies on DISARMAMENT agreements as a substitute for weapons.  
If Russia can get us to give up 25 submarines, that's just as good as building  
the interceptors (ABMs) to shoot down the warheads released by the missiles fired from all those subs.  
During the 1980s - 1990s America had so many subs (39), that Russia's nationwide ABM system just couldn't handle them all.(intercept all their missile warheads).  
So the Kremlin wanted to turn to its back up "weapon", namely DISARMAMENT agreements.  
The Kremlin wanted to get America to cut way back on its subs, cutting them from 39 all the way down to just 12.That way Russia's ABM system would be adequate for shooting down the missile warheads-  because there would be fewer of them.  
But America could hardly be expected to drastically disarm while the Cold War was raging !!  
So that's what Russia did.
That disarmament was the motivation for Russia's peace-making is shown by what has happened since the end of the Cold War -- America has disarmed precipitously !!  
Gorbachev's bold gamble has paid off (and will really pay off even more when war comes).
Bible Prophecy predicted Gorbachev's coming 2600 years ago with these words,
"By peace he will destroy many" (Daniel 8.25, King James Version).
That passage is about the EndTime Antichrist who takes over the world by "making war against the saints (Christians)" (Revelation 13.7), meaning the nations where they live.
Yes, Gorbachev is the Antichrist, still running Russia via his puppet Putin.
He has got to strike soon, for he turned 86 in March.
He doesn't have much time left.
Why Didn't Russian Attack Come in 2011 ??

For that is when our missile heads fell below the magic number: 1,300 warheads.
Russia has enuff interceptors (antimissile missiles called ABMs) to shoot down 1300 warheads ("Russia as the World's Number One Nuclear Power," by William T. Lee, Washington Times, Jsn. 30, 1996).
So as long as we kept above that number, we were OK.
Now, since 2011 we have fallen below 1300 warheads but the dreaded Russian attack hadn't materialized.
Why not??
Well around 2011 the Kremlin arranged certain things to happen - just so they could blame it on us, the bad old USA !!!
For example,  the president of Ukraine got overthrown by the pro-democracy movement.
Russia immediately started harping on America being behind the coup.
He didn't really get overthrown at all.
He fled to Moscow just so he could CLAIM to have been overthrown.
So that Russia's news media could have something big to blame on America,
"America - the global bully/badguy that needs to stopped!!!"
What is the Kremlin trying to accomplish with its high--powered smear campaign??!!
It is training its people to react positively when America gets bombed.
"America deserved what it got !!"  - That is what the Kremlin wants to hear from the Russian public.
more later

RUSSIA, Always(Since 1917) Been An Enemy, But for a while pretended to be our friend?

RUSSIA, Always(Since 1917) Been An Enemy,          
But for a while pretended to be our friend?            
Did Russia really go from Communist to democracy for a short time,          
But now has gone over to authoritarianism, In other words dictatorship??          
Or did it go from Communism directly to  authoritarianism with the "democracy" phase being only "potemkin democracy"        
(a term Hillary Clinton once used. )      
Has Communism really fallen or is it just playing possum??          
If the fall of Marxism/Leninism was more surface than substantive, what is the point??          
What do the diabolical deceivers gain for all their effort??          
You dont put on an act for nothing, right??          
Academics like anne applebaum, a (former?) columnist for the Washington Post, an expert on Russia, have no clue on why Russia ended the Cold War, etc.        
I mean, they - none of them -  have used the Kremlin's notorious track record of cheating on treaties and elaborate didinformation campaigns over many decades as a basis for the West to view  the ending of the Cold War as just one more Stalinist plot.  (The only exception that I have found is Edward Jay Epstein, author of "DECEPTION: the Invisible War Between the KGB And the CIA."  
He identifies "six periods of glasnost" or openness that were all deceptions, the last one being Gorbachev's.)  
Let me give you the definitive answer that you won't get from ANY other source.    
We tell Russia "If you hit us, we will retaliate with our nuclear arsenal."    
So starting with Stalin's time, the Kremlin has always been working to destroy all 3 "legs" of our nuclear Triad, our retaliatory arsenal.  Gaining that ability is the Kremlin's version of "finding the holy grail."  
The Kremlin has three means of destroying our nuclear arsenal.    
ONE, offensive missiles with which to bomb our weapons before we can launch them;    
TWO, defensive missiles with which to shoot down our missiles after we launch    
THREE, Disarmament agreements.    
If Russia can get us to dismantle our own missiles, that saves Russia the effort of trying to destroy them in wartime.    
But during the Cold War America couldn't be persuaded to disarm,making deep cuts in our arsenal, of course.    
The only hope the Kremlin had of tricking us into disarming required Russia to end the Cold War.    
Only by removing the enemy, the "Soviet threat,"   -  which was the whole reason we built our nuclear arsenal, - would the Kremlin stand even a chance of getting America to disarm to the degree that Russia was hoping for.  
To get to the point, the whole "political theater" of ending the Cold War was performed solely for the purpose of getting America to DISARM DRASTICALLY !!!
But it wasn't enuff for Russia to stop promoting "wars of liberation" and "world revolution." For skeptics and cynics would see thru such half-way measures.
No, to "prove" its sincerity, the Kremlin would have to go much further.  
It would have to shed its empire - the "captive nations" in Eastern  Europe.
For empires, by definition, are aggressive.
Eastern Europe is a bridge between Russia and Western Europe.
If Russia plans on overrunning Western Europe, they would never let go of Eastern Europe.
So by letting Eastern Europe become free,
The Kremlin won over droves of "doubting Thomases."
But even that Herculean feat wasn't good
For as long as Communism ran Russia, the ideology of world revolution, totalitarianism, was still there like a cancer in remission is still cancer and can reappear.
No, Communism had to "fall."
And this is where the Communist leaders showed their evil genius.

Jeane Kirkpatrick, America's ambassador to the UN during the Reagan years, was famous, at least within conservative circles, for her essay published in Commentary journal in the late 1970s(?)
In it she defended America's support for authoritarian regimes that were anti-Communist - even though they violated human rights.
She reasoned that authoritarian regimes are more likely to be succeeded by democratic ones than Communist regimes are. As was the case with South Korea.
And would have been true of South Vietnam if our Democratically controlled  Congress had not cut off all military aid. Which led  to its defeat when North Vietnam tanks invaded.in 1974.

As Soviet thinkers like Georgi Arbatov poured over Jean Kirkpatrick's essay, they realized that if they, the Communists, morphed into a non-Communist regime with only the most superficial trappings of democracy,
they could (1)maintain social control thru dictatorship while as the same time (2)reaping the benefits that America willingly bestows on authoritarian regimes !!
In short the Kremlin could gain tremendous advantages simply by becoming a "Communist front," an organization that claims to not be Communist but actually is. And running Communist fronts is something the Kremlin has some expertise with
PS: it is called "having your cake and eating it too."

Russian Communism's Fall Was Apparent Rather Than Actual: It Fell Because It Was to The Kremlin's Advantage

Russian Communism's Fall Was Apparent Rather Than Actual: It Fell Because It Was to The Kremlin's Advantage..

People claim that Communism in Russia fell because the military spending was more of a burden than the economy could handle. That is like saying a man dies because he was sprinting and could not keep up that rate of speed. My point is that the alternative solution is simple - just slow down. Ditto with Russia's spending on war and missiles. It could simply cut back. So that spending (by itself or even with other things) does NOT really make sense - it doesn't explain the fall of Communism.in Russia.
I mean the alternative view to the accepted one (that the fall was legit) is that the fall of Communism was contrived. They did it because it was to their advantage to do so. What has happened as a result of that fall?? Answer: the USA has clearly disarmed overmuch. CLEARLY to a degree that they would not otherwise be the case, right?? Isn't that Clearly to the advantage of the Russians!!!    
If the Cold War had kept going on in the 80s-90s-2000s we wouldn't have cut back to just 12 subs we have at present, from the impressive 39 boomer subs we had in Reagan's day.  Shouldn't we entertain the notion that the masterminds in the Kremlin could have foreseen just that disarmament frenzy, and said to themselves, Oh wow - that's what we've got to do: END THE COLD WAR and the stupid Americans (and Europeans) are sure to react by shifting tons of money away from the military over to "social programs" ie, welfare spending.  
That the fall of Communism in Russia was deliberate is shown by the fact that Gorbachev came to New York City, to the UN and declared, "no more us of force to crush rebellion in the East Euro states." THAT is what led East Europe to demand more freedom, and Russia giving freedom to their "satellite nations.". I add that because "ending the Cold War" is a catch all term that includes a lot  more than just that. Giving up Eastern Europe is thrown in, along with letting the SU split up. Plus legalizing capitalism and religion.  
I admit that if the fall was a fraud, Gorbachev has to be given credit for a massive amount of risk-taking. It's breath-taking in its scope.  
It just goes to show how much they desire to win nuclear war  -- which is what ending the Cold War will do for them in the sense that the West has been steadily disarming (while the Russians, not so much).  
A reporter asked Pres. Bush back in 2008 or so something like Can you verify that Russia is abiding by the arms control agreements? Bush, so typical of our leaders, said, something like, "I emphasize transparency, not verification." The West is so happy for Russia to withdraw from E Europe that the West is willing to turn a blind eye on all the cheating they do. For example Russia built THOUSANDS of ABMs when the ABM Treaty limits them to just 200. This was way before we pulled out of that treaty ourselves.    
I guess the main thing for me to emphasize about the Kremlin is that they are no dummies. You have to ask yourself, "Could it be that the Russians were smart enuff to see that ending the Cold War, etc, etc would lead to America disarming, going overboard about disarmament??" (So that Russia could win nuclear war when America's missile warheads, the number of them, were reduced down to a number on a par with the Russian ABMs needed to shoot them all down. I mean Russia reportedly has enuff ABMs to intercept 1,300 warheads. While we have recently cut back to where we have just 1,150 warheads on the subs we have at sea. (The subs in port don't count, for they can be easily wiped out by bombing our ports, you see.) In short, we have disarmed to the point that we have fewer warheads than Russia can shoot down !! We are actually TEMPTING the Russians to bomb us !! I'm not making this up.

PS:  Could the Kremlin have been smart enuff to foresee that ending the Cold War, etc, would trick America into going overboard on disarmament??
If you answer yes to that question, why not admit that the prospect of winning world war 3 may be so tempting that the Kremlin judges the loss of millions of American lives to be worth the price??

Friday, May 12, 2017

Profit on the negative cat bounce in China, The amount of margin debt has doubled since the start of the year. A Chinese state auditor found that more than a dozen state-owned companies falsified their records to seem healthier. And some of these are big companies, including State Grid Corp., COSCO Group and China Southern Power Grid Co. The official in charge of IPOs and share offerings in the Chinese stock markets, Li Zhiling, was carted off to jail for corruption last month. Yeah, I'd say that the stew is ready to bubble over! China's Communist Party also chimed in, "Rainbows always appear after rainy days."Well, sure... but you can also drown in a flood while waiting for a rainbow.!"

China’s government has complied economic indicators that give lead to a Negative Cat Bounce in China , to say the least. Who's to say us Americans can't profit on the upcoming impending Chinese collapse.    These economic stressors are  being felt from all sides of the spectrum, something has got to give, I mean how far down the rabbit hole do you want to go? 
Amid all the talk of remarkably subdued levels of volatility, signs of potentially severe stress are emerging from one of the most – if not the most – vulnerable areas in global financial markets: China’s unruly shadow banking sector.
Taking into account a multitude of negative economic indicators ranging from as follows : 
#1. China’s total debt as a share of gross domestic product has surged to nearly 265 per cent since the global financial crisis, while the value of wealth management products, a key part of shadow banking, has tripled to US$3.8 trillion in just three years, according to Bloomberg – the challenge of gently pricking an unprecedented credit bubble without roiling global markets and severely endangering growth in China is a daunting one.

 #2. Chinese brokerage firms have extended as much as 4 trillion yuan ($645 billion) of margin finance to investors. No Margin for Error Another 1.7 trillion yuan ($270 billion) may have flowed into stock market investment from wealth management products, online lending sites and other sources, according to Bloomberg. All this margin debt and "hot money" has produced a bubbling stew of instability. And the resulting risks - both inside China and outside China - are particularly large because of the sheer size of the Chinese stock markets. AND 

#3. China service sector slows, suggesting economy losing steam-An unofficial gauge of China’s service sector hit an 11-month low in April, underscoring the risks facing what has proved the most vigorous part of the world’s second-largest economy.

Now, if you didn't know, the Chinese love to trade. A whopping 81% of retail investors in China trade at least once a month, according to a State Street survey published earlier this year. That's the highest of any nation. Just 53% of Americans and 32% of French investors trade monthly or more often.
So we have an extremely volatile market jammed with new investors who like to trade a lot. Can you see how these are the ingredients for a potential meltdown?
Now let's throw in the fact that Chinese brokerage firms have extended as much as 4 trillion yuan ($645 billion) of margin finance to investors.
No Margin for Error
Another 1.7 trillion yuan ($270 billion) may have flowed into stock market investment from wealth management products, online lending sites and other sources, according to Bloomberg.
All this margin debt and "hot money" has produced a bubbling stew of instability. And the resulting risks - both inside China and outside China - are particularly large because of the sheer size of the Chinese stock markets.
The Shanghai, Shenzhen and Hong Kong stock markets have a combined market cap of roughly $11 trillion. That makes China No. 2 in the world behind the $24 trillion market cap of the U.S. stock markets, but well ahead of No. 3 Japan's $5 trillion market cap.
Now let's stir the pot some more.
The amount of margin debt has doubled since the start of the year.
A Chinese state auditor found that more than a dozen state-owned companies falsified their records to seem healthier. And some of these are big companies, including State Grid Corp., COSCO Group and China Southern Power Grid Co.
The official in charge of IPOs and share offerings in the Chinese stock markets, Li Zhiling, was carted off to jail for corruption last month.
Yeah, I'd say that the stew is ready to bubble over.
These are scary times. But let's look at the good side of the downside...
Speculative investors can place their bets
To be sure, this ETF $YANG is speculative and it definitely would not be suitable for the faint of heart, but it certainly is a charming money play.
But if China is really about to see the silk hit the fan, ProShares UltraShort could be a good way to make a lot of money in a hurry.
Short the Next Bounce?
But investors who are tempted to bet that Chinese stocks will resume falling should be aware that the Chinese government is doing its best to soothe frayed nerves in the market. Here's a list of just some of the things the government and its allies are doing to prop up the market.
A sudden moratorium has been imposed on new share issuance, with dozens of firms scrapping their IPO plans.
Top brokerages in China pledged that they will invest at least $19 billion into stocks. The government is backing this "market stabilization fund."
Sixty-nine Chinese mutual funds have said they would also buy stocks, though they did not say how much money they will put to work.
China's two major stock exchanges plan to lower securities transaction fees by 30% starting in August in a bid to lure more investors into the market.
And here's one more "market stabilization" maneuver: About 200 Chinese stocks halted trading after the close on Monday. This makes a total of 745 Chinese stocks that have suspended trading altogether. That's 26% of listed firms on mainland exchanges with $1.4 trillion in market cap.

I guess that's one way to stop the market from going down. Forbid your stocks from being traded.

Now, maybe this Chinese version of a "plunge protection team" will get the job done. In fact, Hong Rong, a finance expert at Shanghai DZH Limited, wrote on July 5 in a widely forwarded post that government officials "are determined to save the market and take effective measures. And they have basically already blocked the possibility of a continued slump next week."

And the Asset Management Association of China, a state-run body, joined the chorus of soothing official commentary heard in recent days, saying that falling prices presented a valuable buying opportunity for "rational investors."

China's Communist Party also chimed in, "Rainbows always appear after rainy days."
Well, sure... but you can also drown in a flood while waiting for a rainbow. Furthermore, bullish government pronouncements and market-rigging operations rarely produce a true buying opportunity. To the contrary, they usually produce short-term bounces that make for good selling opportunities.
For a few days, the Chinese government may be able to create a bounce in their stock markets, but it will likely not be able to create an enduring bull market.

So if you'd like to speculate that the sell-off in China has more to go, ProShares UltraShort might be your best bet.
More worryingly, there are signs that China’s economy is beginning to slow once again. On April 30, the publication of an official purchasing managers’ index survey showed that growth in the manufacturing sector last month fell to a six-month low. A separate survey for China’s services sector also revealed that activity has dropped to its lowest level in six months.A brutal sell-off across commodity markets is putting China’s manufacturing industry under strain.
It only gets a hell of alot more traumatic when you analyze the slowdown in China's service sector. This is also another tell tale sign, suggesting the obvious , that their economy is losing steam- and on the brink of implosion. An unofficial gauge of China’s service sector hit an 11-month low in April, underscoring the risks facing what has proved the most vigorous part of the world’s second-largest economy.
China’s service sector hit an 11-month low in April, underscoring the risks facing what has proved the most vigorous part of the world’s second-largest economy.
The Caixin service sector purchasing managers index fell to 51.5, compared with a reading of 52.2 in March .
Readings above 50 signal an expansion in activity in the sector, but a decline in the numbers for the fourth consecutive month, coupled with a weakening manufacturing sector troubled by overcapacity, suggests the economy is losing steam.
Zhong Zhengsheng, director of macroeconomic analysis at the CEBM Group said: “Growth in both manufacturing and services decelerated in April, reflecting a clear slowdown in the expansion of the Chinese economy.”
The Caixin China Composite Output Index, measuring both the manufacturing and service sectors, dropped for the second month in a row to 51.2 in April, down 0.9 points from March.
“A turning point in growth appeared to have emerged at the beginning of the second quarter.” Zhong said. “Investors should be cautious about downward risks in the economy.” 
The official manufacturing purchasing managers index compiled by the National Bureau of Statistics fell from 51.8 in March to 51.2 in April. The decline was blamed on factors including softer new orders and weaker production momentum. Meanwhile, the official non-manufacturing PMI moderated as well last month.
April’s full economic data, which will be released later this month, is expected to show slightly softer growth on factors such as weaker industrial production, slower property sales and cooler export growth, UBS Securities analysts led by Wang Tao said in a research note.
The rate of employment growth in China eased to the weakest so far this year, according to Caixin.
Song Yu, chief China economist at Goldman Sachs Gao Hua, said: “The fall in April was significant!"
Research the etf $YANG it's 3 times bearish on china's currency the YUAN.. China is about to implode. Implode is an understatement. For god sakes, China's debt is 250% of gross domestic profit, now that's hard to swallow, that's a ticking time bomb, profit on the impending Chinese collapse !

Profit on the negative cat bounce in China, profit on the Chinese Negative Bounce, ETF $YANG is the symbol, 3x bearish the YUAN. 

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