Saturday, September 3, 2016

VOTE DONALD TRUMP 2016 , Thousands are on Earth at this time to assist you in the transition from all that was dark and corrupt. It has taken time and effort to get you to this stage. You have to make a joint effort to complete the transition.

Thousands are on Earth at this time to assist you in the transition from all that was dark and corrupt. It has taken time and effort to get you to this stage. You have to make a joint effort to complete the transition. When you fully emerge into the light, you will find that it is everything that you could ever have wished for.
FEAR will be used by the Cabal in every possible way to try to stop you. But you are many, they are few, so do not fall for the fear. Yes, fear always worked in the past; but you are wiser now and you know what you want. You have no wish to exist in the Cabal’s New World Order. They have no respect for human life, they despise you. They see you as useless eaters. Need I say more? The Cabal’s plan is falling apart and they are in shock. The English people actually said NO to them, shock horror !
Now you are seeing other countries, led by Germany, also saying a resounding NO. This is what we have been waiting for. The first steps are being taken. It will go from strength to strength. This is history in the making and it will be talked about for generations to come.
Our two worlds will come together. You have no idea how much this has been blocked. Your DNA is being restored. I know that this process disturbs some of you: the strange pains, the exhaustion, but it is all part of the restoration of your DNA. The Cabal has done much to prevent this, as they will not be able to control you when you become the powerful beings of light that you are. The Cabal is fearful. They do not know what to expect when you actually see them for what they are. You will look on them with pity because they worked and planned for so long, only to be defeated at the last hurdle. All their evil plans have come to nothing.

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