Friday, March 23, 2018

Is this the reality as far as the reality space Barack Osama Sottero he reigns from a country called Indonesia and its Indonesian terrorist is not only bigger than you some of the laden Muhammad he wages War to this day in a country where he's not citizens because his own country

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"If I had known that the president had posed smiling with [Louis Farrakhan] when he was a Senator, I would not have campaigned for Barack Obama. He has called Judaism a gutter religion. He is a horrible, horrible human being," he continued, "We should have nobody in public office associating with a bigot like Farrakhan." said Harvard Law Professor and longtime Democrat Alan Dershowitz.

Farrakhan is a leader of the Nation of Islam, which Dershowitz described as "virulent anti-Semite and anti-American.

A photographer, Askia Muhammad, showed a 2005 picture of Obama and Farrakhan smiling together. He said that afterward, the Congressional Black Caucus contacted him and demanded to have the photo back. "I gave the original disk to him and in a sense swore myself to secrecy because I had quietly made a copy for myself," Muhammad said. Muhammad said he thought the CBC was concerned a photo with Farrakhan could hurt the young senator's future presidential aspirations.

Muhammad added that Obama had Nation of Islam followers working in his Chicago senate office.
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