Sunday, May 14, 2017

TIME TO BECOME ALARMED, TOTALLY ALARMED !!! America's nuclear arsenal isn't what it used to be. If a strong RETALIATORY nuclear arsenal (the threat to use it) is all that is keeping Russia, still Stalinist(!!), from bombing us, then we must expect that Russian attack soon.


America's nuclear arsenal isn't what it used to be.
If a strong RETALIATORY nuclear arsenal (the threat to use it) is all that is keeping Russia, still Stalinist(!!), from bombing us,
then we must expect that Russian attack soon.
For our retaliatory arsenal has shrunk down to the level of a "paper tiger."
Meaning we can not deliver on our threat to retaliate effectively !!!

Here are the sickening facts, the nauseating truth:
(1)Our 3-part nuclear Triad has shrunk down to just a shadow of its former self,
all the way down to a zero-part arsenal.
First of all, our strategic bombers have all been taken off "alert" status,
 (ready to take off within 6 minutes - before Russian submarine missiles can arrive).
So instead of 3 parts, we are down to just 2 parts.
(2)Secondly, our ICBMS, (InterContinental Ballistic Missiles) are on "delayed launch" status.
Instead of us launching as soon as our spy satellites detect the ignition plumes  from Russian missiles,  our policy since Bill Clinton's presidency had been to NOT launch our ICBMs !!!
Instead we are supposed to test our satellites and computers to make sure they aren't malfunctioning.
Since this testing takes several minutes,
there is no way we can get our ICBMs into the air  -- within the short 6 minute window --  before missiles from Russian submarines hit our ICBM silos in Montana.

So instead of an arsenal of two parts, we are down to just one part, our submarine-launched missiles.(SLBMs).
Here's why that last part, even that last part, doesn't count as a valid deterrent force.

(3)Thirdly, our priceless submarines have been reduced from 39 down to just 12.
With 4 of the 12 being in port, which means they don't count.
For the ports will be bombed at the outset of the war.
So we are down to just 8 subs at sea.
But Obama signed a disarmament treaty which in effect reduces us to the equivalent of just 7 subs.

To get to the point, we are down to just 1,120 missile warheads on our 8 subs at sea.
But Russia has enuff interceptors (ABMs) to shoot down "between 1200-1300 incoming warheads", according to William T. Lee, an ex-CIA military analyst ("Russia as the World's Number One Nuclear Power," Washington Times, Jan. 30, 1996).
So we have fewer warheads than Russia can shoot down.
So instead of our nuclear arsenal striking fear into the hearts of the Kremlin gremlins,
our arsenal (its decline) now should ironically strike fear  -- terror  -- into the hearts of the American people !!!

PS: to be technical, we still have either 6 or 12 B2 Stealth Bombers on "alert".
Wow, pretty impressive, eh??
With an economy of $17 trillion, we have fewer than one bomber per trillion dollars.

More On Why Russia Ended the Cold War

During the Stalinist era, from Stalin's time uptil Gorbachev,  
Who idiot liberals see as a nonStalinist  just because he ended the Cold War which Stalin had started,
The Kremlin was steadily working to "find the holy grail," in other words,  
gain the ability to destroy all 3 legs of America's  nuclear Triad (our retaliatory arsenal -- deters Russia from attacking).
They did gain the ability to destroy our bombers -- by building SAMs, surface-to-air missiles.
They did gain the ability to destroy our ICBMs -- by bringing their submarines within 6 minutes of our ICBM silos in Montana, etc.
Armed with GPS, missiles fired from Russian subs are now accurate enuff to score direct hits on our ICBM silos.
So in the late 1980s it was two down, one to go.
Russian built a nationwide ABM system of anti-missile missiles called ABMs to shoot down warheads released from missiles fired from our subs.
But we simply had way more subs and warheads than Russia's ABMs could handle !!!
(Boy, those were the good old days.)
The Kremlin was at a crossroads.
Either Russia would have to DOUBLE the size of its ABM system,
or it could go with plan B,  -- use DISARMAMENT treaties as a weapon.
Russia could try to get us to do their dirty work for them.
By getting US to cut back on the number of subs we have -- saving Russia from having to shoot down all the warheads coming from those subs !!
The only problem was that America wouldn't be stupid enuff to cut way back on our subs while the Cold War was raging.
The obvious solution to this problem was what??
END THE COLD WAR!!! And hope for the best.

I say all that to say this:
Ending the Cold War would NOT by itself enduce America into agreeing to extreme disarmament treaties.
Why not? Because skeptics in our government and news media, etc would see thru the "peace" ploy.
No, in order for the ending of the Cold War to produce the results desired by the Kremlin,
it would have to be augmented by a whole lot more !!!
The Kremlin, crafty devil that it is, saw that  as long as Russia owned an empire it looked imperialistic, by definition.
For that's what an empire is, a country that  
conquers other lands and subjugates people.
So Russia would have to let go of Eastern Europe. A very big deal.
But even suffering thru that ordeal would not be enuff to win over the cynics and skeptics.
For the Soviet Union itself contained captive nations: the three Baltic republics.
Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.
So the USSR itself would have to go -- to "make it look good," of course.
The Kremlin could afford to make these concessions, for it could regain all those lands later on -- after America disarmed and got Russia.
Russia could then take over all the lands it had given up -- yes, the crafty Kremlin had it all figured out.
My point is what??
Simply that Russia's ending of the Cold War need NOT have been
accompanied by all the rest of the impressive changes that occurred.

So, WHY WAS IT ???
The combination of all those events is what is so fishy, so dog gone phony.
For the West to swallow it all, hook line and  sinker -- that just shows how incredibly gullible we are.
Again, why couldn't Russia have ended the CW without giving up Eastern Europe, without letting the USSR split up.
Without Communism falling in Russia,  
without capitalism, Christianity etc being welcomed  back.
Obviously, it  all was done to seduce the West, especially the cynics/skeptics.
And it worked.
Even Edward Jay Epstein who wrote "Deception: the Secret War Between the CIA And the KGB,"
Even he has decided the Fall of Communism was for real.
But if he would only study the dire situation
the Kremlin found itself in back in the mid to late 1980s, he would see that the need to get America to disarm profusely was the Kremlin's top priority.
The Kremlin's back was against the wall.
Its as simple as that.
When Russian Attack does finally come
I hope you will finally realize just why Russia did all those impressive things way back in the late 1980s.
The Importance of DISARMAMENT as a Weapon to the Kremlin

Our retaliatory  arsenal has kept Russia from attacking us.  
We tell Russia, If you attack us, we will attack you back.  
So Russia has built offensive missiles designed to destroy our arsenal before we can launch it.  
Plus they have  built defensive missiles to intercept our missiles after we launch them (as they head toward Russia).  
But in addition to  building actual weapons, Russia relies on DISARMAMENT agreements as a substitute for weapons.  
If Russia can get us to give up 25 submarines, that's just as good as building  
the interceptors (ABMs) to shoot down the warheads released by the missiles fired from all those subs.  
During the 1980s - 1990s America had so many subs (39), that Russia's nationwide ABM system just couldn't handle them all.(intercept all their missile warheads).  
So the Kremlin wanted to turn to its back up "weapon", namely DISARMAMENT agreements.  
The Kremlin wanted to get America to cut way back on its subs, cutting them from 39 all the way down to just 12.That way Russia's ABM system would be adequate for shooting down the missile warheads-  because there would be fewer of them.  
But America could hardly be expected to drastically disarm while the Cold War was raging !!  
So that's what Russia did.
That disarmament was the motivation for Russia's peace-making is shown by what has happened since the end of the Cold War -- America has disarmed precipitously !!  
Gorbachev's bold gamble has paid off (and will really pay off even more when war comes).
Bible Prophecy predicted Gorbachev's coming 2600 years ago with these words,
"By peace he will destroy many" (Daniel 8.25, King James Version).
That passage is about the EndTime Antichrist who takes over the world by "making war against the saints (Christians)" (Revelation 13.7), meaning the nations where they live.
Yes, Gorbachev is the Antichrist, still running Russia via his puppet Putin.
He has got to strike soon, for he turned 86 in March.
He doesn't have much time left.
Why Didn't Russian Attack Come in 2011 ??

For that is when our missile heads fell below the magic number: 1,300 warheads.
Russia has enuff interceptors (antimissile missiles called ABMs) to shoot down 1300 warheads ("Russia as the World's Number One Nuclear Power," by William T. Lee, Washington Times, Jsn. 30, 1996).
So as long as we kept above that number, we were OK.
Now, since 2011 we have fallen below 1300 warheads but the dreaded Russian attack hadn't materialized.
Why not??
Well around 2011 the Kremlin arranged certain things to happen - just so they could blame it on us, the bad old USA !!!
For example,  the president of Ukraine got overthrown by the pro-democracy movement.
Russia immediately started harping on America being behind the coup.
He didn't really get overthrown at all.
He fled to Moscow just so he could CLAIM to have been overthrown.
So that Russia's news media could have something big to blame on America,
"America - the global bully/badguy that needs to stopped!!!"
What is the Kremlin trying to accomplish with its high--powered smear campaign??!!
It is training its people to react positively when America gets bombed.
"America deserved what it got !!"  - That is what the Kremlin wants to hear from the Russian public.
more later

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